What do you do when roast beef is on sale for 50% off? Buy two, of course. But then a whole roast is too big for us. So we're making stew and a roast. It's very odd to have Sunday dinners when not so long ago I was making Kraft dinner or zoodles for dinner. It's so grown up!
Canadian election, blah blah blah. More of the same. Does it ever change? Maybe I'd care more about the "sponsorship scandal" if I could vote directly for the people attatched to it, but as it is, I really like my MP and will vote for her again. She marches in the Pride parade! I make an effort to make an informed choice every election, but not a lot has changed in a year and a half.
January's fast approaching, which means I'll be able to submit another set for consideration. I need a photographer and a location. It's really too bad I wasn't given the go-ahead to work with Oryx, she takes such amazing and beautiful photos!
Today I found this in the advent calendar:
It's a "kid's" drawing of a dog. Immediately following this picture, Pinky knocked the toy to the floor.

Canadian election, blah blah blah. More of the same. Does it ever change? Maybe I'd care more about the "sponsorship scandal" if I could vote directly for the people attatched to it, but as it is, I really like my MP and will vote for her again. She marches in the Pride parade! I make an effort to make an informed choice every election, but not a lot has changed in a year and a half.
January's fast approaching, which means I'll be able to submit another set for consideration. I need a photographer and a location. It's really too bad I wasn't given the go-ahead to work with Oryx, she takes such amazing and beautiful photos!
Today I found this in the advent calendar:

It's a "kid's" drawing of a dog. Immediately following this picture, Pinky knocked the toy to the floor.
Have you thought of doing a wilderness shoot? Im sure there are some wonderful places near by. Hey, maybe you could be sneaky and do a shoot by Niagara Falls.. Im sure youd be accepted just for the sheer balls of it, just dont get arrested.
thanks for the set comment!