It's holiday time agian back to work in the shop her until after Xmas. It sucks I was there today and it was bumping. The day goes by fast but you don't even know what is going on. It's money and thats all that really matters. I can't wait to see everyone at Xmas for the BL Movie. I'll be busy until then working I'll...
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No movie. postponed til next year. sucks. See you guys soon. Iget back on the 18th. hi to nuggs too.
happy birthday 

So I've been out on the road for the past couple of weeks and I still have a coulple more. It's good to be working and fun to visit all the shops and see people I don't usually see. I'm glad that there is a reward at the end of this clinic season. I get to go out to Hunnington Beach for a sales meeting....
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What up all, the summer is almost over and I really don't care. I'm so pumped that I get to go on the road and get some work done. It's time to get out there and sell some shoes for spring. I'll be out for the weeks after labor day back for about 3 then out for the entire month of Oct for snow clinics....
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snow clinics?
tenney mt's summer-snow patch?
hope not...
snow clinics?
tenney mt's summer-snow patch?
hope not...
i am back in nh
moved all my stuff down to brooklyn and then had to move back - the mag killed the ny office... then they brought me down to dc for 6 weeks... kicked it in a hotel and put out one issue... now im back here weighing options and looking for work...
how about you?
moved all my stuff down to brooklyn and then had to move back - the mag killed the ny office... then they brought me down to dc for 6 weeks... kicked it in a hotel and put out one issue... now im back here weighing options and looking for work...
how about you?
Here I am just trying to make it through the rest of the summer. I can't wait until they finish building the new skatepark in the town over. If it sucks I'll still be pumped just because it's something new to skate. Whatevs I guess I'll see the NHers when the icky's get married.
Peace Homies
Peace Homies
when is the wedding?? I'll come skate soon.
NYC? We should go. Have You Been busy at work?
I'm just bored up here. My car's radiator is cracked and I have to fill it every time I go out. peaceout
NYC? We should go. Have You Been busy at work?
I'm just bored up here. My car's radiator is cracked and I have to fill it every time I go out. peaceout
Yo I gots a new whip, 95 civic, 4 door, standard.
Its dope. Louiville next weekend?? redrobot is in DC for a little while. Peaceout.
Its dope. Louiville next weekend?? redrobot is in DC for a little while. Peaceout.
Hey guys I'm still alive down here in the wonderful Poconos. The summer so far has been a really crappy rainy one for us her on the East as some of us know. It is down right depressing. I still haven't found a summer job and it is getting really tight money wise. I just wish there was something that was good to do for...
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*hump hump hump*
your daily humpage is brought to you by: Rumpus P Humpage Extrodinare!
your daily humpage is brought to you by: Rumpus P Humpage Extrodinare!
hello. nug.dza.old.killa all go to ickys. peace.
So I was goiong to see Dave for his graduation in Mass when I got drilled from behind by a Ford Explorer and pushed into a Dodge Durango in front. Lets just say that the Subaru didn't like that. It sustained a bit of damage in the sandwiching. It still drives but there isn't really anything straight on either end of the car. Lucky for...
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glad to hear that youre both okay... in the tradition of the Blue Lodge Car Share Program i gots a 99 corolla for the taking... buy it in NH & pay no taxes!
let's go on vacation!
Some crazy news came my way this past weekend. The Old Man has fallen I was told. I didn't know what to think, how could something like that ever happen. But it was true The Old Man had crumbled right off Cannon Mt. The face put there to look over us by the grace of god some would say. He is going to be missed...
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do you want to have a sleepover party this weekend. we should go see dan, or go to philly again. that was fun. I'll call monday, Kev Sus might come too, if you are down.
i'm dumb this weekend is memorial day.. = traffic & people. seeyasoon. Oh yeah if you want my new sticker kit just holla. ya old bastahd.
hey your old picture is up too. WTF.
hey your old picture is up too. WTF.
It's getting late just sitting on the computer waiting for the Old One to arrive. He had some strange need to come down and skateboard in PA. Who would have thunk it. Tommrow and Friday will be spent getting worked at FDR. I hope there aren't alot of locals to vibe us out. It is a good thing that we are old so we might...
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hope you didnt get too worked at fdr - youre going to have to come up and get worked in nyc pretty soon...
Fun times in PA. Thanks for driving and all that. I'l send Pics.
It's Wednesday and I'm back in the NH to ride and chill with the Old One and Red. Can't wait to get out in that fresh clean NH air. I don't know why but I feel better when I come back here. It doesn't matter to me that I don't have money or I don't have a steady job all that matters is that I...
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come back this weekend
bring it jc. i want to see the old balls.
I went to Colorado on the 14th and I was planning to come back on the 20th. Mother Nature had other plans though, the biggest storm in the last 100 years happened to arive. It ment alot of powder but it also ment that route 70 would be closed for days. The day we planned on flying out the airport was closed, and for our...
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come up wednesday--->sunday.
come harass redrobot.
come shredding.
come harass redrobot.
come shredding.
I heard that you are naked in your profile picture.
It's the second of March and I am going crazy entering orders for all of our snow brands. It just seems like it is never going to end. I can't wait until it is over so I can have the rest of the snow season to enjoy. I am pumped to see people that I haven't seen all winter. This year has been different but...
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I met Nala last night... She's "slammin"... like the outfit in saves the last dance.
Hope everythings cool Larry. Say hi to Nugget for me.
Hope everythings cool Larry. Say hi to Nugget for me.
You forgot your password you dumb shit.
I dont update either.
I dont update either.