I spent 3 days composing this year review. If I had known it would take this long, I might not have started. But I'm glad I did! I'm going to leave this here all week while I am on my cruise. Take some time to explore the links and check out the stories... not just the pictures.

(I re-posted it, so the comments are starting out fresh. You can go back a journal to see me whining about how long this took, and to see the comments from the last 3 days)
As of today, I have been a SuicideGirls member for One Year. So much has happened in the past year, I thought I should give a review.
Part 1: The First Six Months.
Last February, I went to the SG Burlesque show with Gadget, Toaster42, Aragorn97, and others. I got drunk and was so awed by the hot hot hot ladies that I was waay up front screaming like a crazy person. Oh yes. Those burlesque ladies get me crazy.

So I signed up.
Then Gadget, who was originally "shatteredsky", remember? applied and was accepted.. and the heavens rejoiced.

(application photo)
Meanwhile, I bought a digital camera and was using my journal as a storytelling space, as a space for venting, and a picture-posting venue. I even posted my own mini-photoset.

I suppose every girl here gets the idea in her head to post nakie pics... not all go through the whole Official process. I debated whether I ought to apply... and decided that's not who I am. I post what I like, and I think I have more control that way. I don't need to be a Suicide Girl to be AWESOME.
Instead, I posted bunches of pictures from my friends, my family, my parties and my travels.

By the time the Burlesque Show came back aound, I had a nice friend list building up, I was posting in boards all over, and I was feeling like a part of the scene. I was posting my "Favorite SG Set" with every journal update, too. Back then, I wrote a lot more private stuff... my journal was a personal thing. These days I've met so many people on the site and so many of my friends have signed up (even my cousin!) so I can't tell secrets like I used to. You know, if you go back and read my old journals, you might find some interesting stories. There's even more interesting personal stuff in Group threads and on the boards, but harder to find. I kind of miss that. When everyone here was a stranger except Gadget and a couple others, it was somehow safer. Now I don't know WHO is comment-stalking me. Hell, even "members only" is pretty public.
In June, I went to the SGB show two nights in a row... and oh my god what an awesome experience. The first night was so much fun, I was sad to leave. The next night was even better... I got to meet (and spank!) Mle and Hrlyquinn, and quietlythere got to stare at the back of my head! The second night was the CRAZINESS. Better to just give you the link. Too much to tell. Remember Rhapsody singing on the street? That was the first night I met Clover, when she was still Hillary. I was so excited that I was hanging out with ACTUAL SUICIDE GIRLS. (this was before Gadget was even pink) Back then, I still thought of SGs as "famous people" and got signatures and stuff.

Now I feel like SGs are just more interesting fun people to get to know and possibly be friends with. (that picture is the most naked one of me posted currently, but I think I might repost my Election Day pic later when I get to that stage of the story)
That week was the first time I hung out with SG people in the Real World. Not the last! But it was a while before I got the chance again.
I kept missing the Kickball days- I was working a lot and I just couldn't coordinate it. July 1st, I was supposed to go, but something came up.

I went to the hospital and watched my sister bring my niece Jade Ryann into the world. I got a big "CONGRATULATIONS!!!" voicemail from the kickballers.

My last big vacation picture series posted on SG was Falcon Ridge Folk Fest in July. Then I created my website, so I post my pictures there now.
As I go back through old journals, I come across stuff like this. Wow, dude... I write some crazy shit.
You know the big teddy bear in Gadget's set? Well, I got that from my friend Joanna. It was the sweetest, cuddliest bear. It was heartbreaking knowing what Gadget had planned for it.

In mid-August, my Gadget went pink. Yay!!! I wasn't there when she shot her set, but I did get a sneak preview. That was an exciting time, knowing her set was gonna go up and waiting so impatiently.
Later that month, Gadget and Toaster42, aragorn97 and I and met up with a bunch of SG Philly people at MoI. I was kind of nervous going into a bar full of people I didn't know... I've never really met people online before this site. But when I walked in the door, Lufy called out, "GOOOOB!" and I felt welcome instantly. Lufy is one of my favorite people on the site.

From that night:

It was so weird going to a bar full of people I'd never met... and some of them had been reading my journal. More than one person that night asked, "So, how far are you in Dune?" because they knew I was reading it. Weird.

Then a couple of days later, there was a kickball game I actually did make it to. That's a fun story- a VERY eventful night.

It was cool because some of the people, I had met at the SGB show and some I had met at MoI. We played an awesome game. The sun went down on us, and we tried to play in the dark! So instead we went up to a local High School and tried to play Capture the Flag. That wasn't really a successful game- it kind of fell apart into drunkenness... namely by the peeing-on-oldskoolpat's-car.

And the evening didn't end there... oh no. We went back and hung out with some of Gadget's neighbors, playing video games until very late. And then another momentous event- first time I ever hooked up with someone I met online. Heh. On a porn site. Yeah, that part wasn't really described in detail before, but I did post the "battle scars" - kissing for 2 hours straight left abrasions. It was certainly worth it, though. Damn.

Read my journal entry from the next day cuz it's got a lot more to say.
Then I had to go to Folk Fest with a big scab on my face. Ha ha... that's okay, it didn't slow me down any.

Part 2: Six Months More.
As the Autumn arrived and things slowed down from the Summer rush, I spent a lot of time posting my personal dilemmas and rants. I got a lot of support and advice from all my new SG friends. Then I had my first negative experience with a SG member... I had started to talk to this one guy on AIM and I thought he was pretty cool... then he made a weird comment "Well, I mean, it's nothing scientific but in general, yes, I'm pretty sure sex is better in Israel...at least from what I've heard." wtf??? I had to argue that one... how ethnocentric can a person be? Well, it turned into a bit of an argument that was continued later. In the end he completely insulted and offended me, and I felt moved enough to post it on the boards to get some feedback. I think that's the only topic I ever started. It got to 10 pages... but not a healthy discussion by any stretch of the imagination. Bleh.
From that experience, I learned that the people you meet online are not necessarily interesting and open-minded as they seem. I had this kind of rose-tinted view of the people on SuicideGirls... overall, people here are mature, well spoken, interesting, and open-minded. I still think that's true on the whole. But we're not some elite mensa club for alternative lifestyles. Oh well.

Now seems like a good time to list a few of the special awesome people I have met through this site.
Aponia - This girl is the coolest. She updates her journal faithfully with a scripted style, including her "scent of the day" and such. She's always one of the first to give feedback and support when anyone updates their journal. I see her posts all over. She's more active than I am, I think! And she's a sweetheart in person. She let me sleep on her couch.

ApostropheNow - His journal updates are strange but intriguing. He includes stories and pictures and things to think about. Not like other people's personal rants and private life stories, but rather eclectic observations and anecdotes. Worth checking in for the pictures alone.
boy - This guy makes me jealous. He tells stories of his life, his travels, his woman. I think he's one of the best people on my friends list that I've NEVER met. Someday, I really want to. Smart, funny, caring... shame he's taken.

cthav - One word:
DodRaibeid - I have the biggest crush on this one. In person he is fun, charming, and attractive. In his journal he is funny as hell and tells awesome stories. Again, he is taken by a lovely girl so I can't even really be jealous. I'm looking forward to the St. Patrick's Week party. If you want to read a story, read this one. You won't be disappointed.
jimmieknuckles - This guy is fucking WACK. nuff said.
klaire - Wow, this chick is so damn cool. She lives and works in Antarctica. She updates her journal with tales of her life, her loves, and isn't afraid to rant away on any subject. Her journals are always interesting to read, and she checks in on all her friends with comments and input very regularly. One of the friendliest weasels I've ever met.

LieLock - A fellow Folk Fest-er, she is cute and sweet and she's gonna be a momma, so go give her love and congrats! And some support- cuz she's gonna have twins!

Lufy - He's smart and friendly and fun, but the asshole moved all the way to the other end of the state... into that weird sticking out bit of WV... and why? To teach a bunch of ungrateful kids! At least he's getting some pretty entertaining quotes out of them. He's been including those in his journals lately. Funny:
A group of students at lunch:
"I can't go....my sisters are in town and staying with me."
"Dude, your sisters are hot."
"I know, your sisters a so damn hot they're SMOKIN'"
"Shut up! Those are my sisters you're talking about, assholes."
"They're still fucking hot."
"Yeah, I'd totally bang 'em".

Mle - Sweetest girl EVER! Opens her house and her heart for crowds of people, even little Goob who doesn't know anyone. Can't wait for her queued sets to go up...
radiofrank - Prominent author of the popular SG Survivor thread and the sequel, he's creative and genuine and another one of those people I should drive up to Canada to visit.

Yillie - Awww... he's got crushes on ANYONE who posts to him. That's okay- he's pretty much the bees knees, I think.

So for anyone I didn't mention, sorry but this review took me an HOUR and yes, you're cool, too... I just had to limit it somehow. BIG HUGS TO EVERYONE ELSE!!!

Back to the year in review...
In the rollercoaster that is my life, I had a bad down in the beginning of September. I turned to my journal to transcribe my misery and self-loathing, but got a phone call and had a long conversation via AIM (with another SG member) that helped me out. I still recorded the event here, and got much support. I rely on this journal so much... a year before, I would have had noplace to vent at all.
September = my birthday. I wrecked my car but had a big party anyway. There was a bunch of SG members at the party. You should have seen my dad's face when he came in this room to see Clover showing off some of her beautiful photos. If my other friends did not know by then that I was a member of a porn site, they certainly did after that night.
So my car was totalled, and I biked or walked or took the train everywhere for a whole month. What an effective fitness program that was! It was the perfect way to get myself in shape, in time for my Halloween costume. You remember that.
I bought a car just in time to be able to drive to DodRaibeid's Halloween party in Delaware. I went by myself to a party where the ONLY people I knew were from SuicideGirls.com. Risky? No! You people rock.

You know what else happened in October?

What a beautiful day.

By November I actually used SG for school projects twice. The first, I posted a thread and asked people to tell me stories, which I collected and analyzed for my Folklore and Culture class.
Every year, on the night before Thanksgiving, I have a party. It is called "Gooble Gooble Gooble". This year was the 4th annual. There were many many SG members there. (my second school project was a study of what people brought to a potluck party- Clover made like 12 different dishes and totally skewed the results, but that's just cuz she's too awesome.

Oh yeah... almost forgot. You remember what else happened in November?
Election Day.

As I read back through my old journals, I have to say November was pretty entertaining. My journals were random and thoughtful and funny. Damn, I'm smooth.

Christmastime! A couple days before xmas I got to go to an SGPhilly event... to a bar for a while.

I was having such and awesome time, but had to leave to catch the train. Well, you know you can't trust SEPTA. The train fucked me over and I had to run back to the bar just in time to catch people as they were leaving- and the sweet and lovely Aponia took me home with her and her Man, gave me the grand tour of their awesome apartment, and let me sleep on her couch.
For New Years, I posted a long list of the year's stats, which of course included a bunch of SG stuff. Nothing so detailed as this project, though! This project is fucking killing me. It's a good thing I'm almost finished cuz I'm leaving on a cruise tomorrow morning and I need to finish this thing!
I told a funny story in January about some of my friends, and I used nicknames. Check out this reply:
AcidEvangelist said on January 06, 2005 09:07 PM
Peaches? Turkey? Do you live in a refrigerator?
Ha ha ha ha!!! I love that!
February- Bar night with SG Philly crew. That was my first SG outing in a while, and I went alone, and not all the people who were SUPPOSED to go went. But Goob had fun. I love having the ability to go hang out with new people in an unfamiliar place and within a short time we're chatting like old friends.
One day I was chatting with my cousin on the Instant Messenger. I was thinking, "gosh, this photoset is really hot, I wish I could show it to him." So I asked him if he'd ever considered having a membership to SuicideGirls.com. You know how he answered? He signed up. Right there. Yeah, I guess I mentioned it a few times before... of course I did! I advertise for SG all the time. You know, aperion signed up for the site on my recommendation also. He doesn't chat here at all though. I should invite him to hang with some of the SG Philly folks or something. How many points are you supposed to get when you get someone to sign up? I should have 2 now. But I guess I didn't do it right.
So Fierhauk is my favorite n00b right now. It's strange having a family member on the website... although I really don't think of him as family. My first thought when he signed up was, "Oh god, he can read everything I've ever said now.... what have I said about him?"
I did some searching, and found a couple things from long ago. Turns out I never went into any great detail, so I'm safe. Here's a pic that I nabbed from a video I took last June- Fierhauk is on the left. The other guy is my redneck cousin Skip. (Fierhauk's brother in law) He cracks me up. You should see the whole video... omg I love my family.
Now I will mention the surprise visit on Valentine's Day. Yes, that was SG-related.
Okay, I mentioned it. That's enough.
And that brings us up to the MOST RECENT SG EVENT IN GOOB'S LIFE. Yes, that was like the CLIMAX of my SG life. This journal entry and this one have some mention, but I guess I never really told the whole story. Um... short version: Gadget and I drove to visit Mle and a bunch of other SGs and members, and had a frigging awesome time. We ate yummy food, played Scene It, played Spin the Bottle, watched a multi-girl photoset happen, I signed a whole lot of asses, and while running topless in the backyard on a dare, I tripped and landed on my face. Blood all over my bare breasts. ALL OVER. No, nobody took a picture. Next morning, big tasty breakfast. Go look at the album full of pictures- that's the good stuff.
The amazing thing about that night: I barely knew anyone there when I arrived. Within moments, I felt comfortable, welcome, and super-accepted. I love the people I have met on this site. Where else can you go to a party and break the ice with a game of spin-the-bottle? I wish everyone would do that. That way, I would always be certain to make a good first impression with everyone.
Look how much fun we had:
I think what I am trying to say is: I belong here. This community has become so much a part of my life at this point, that I can't imagine living without it. It's not just the pretty nude photography. It's not just the journal posting. It's not just the fun events. It's everything, all together. And it's mostly the people.
I don't know what else to say... it's late at night and I have to make sure I have everything packed for vacation. I'm not gonna tell Beth I was up late posting in my SuicideGirls journal. She wouldn't understand.
I guess that's it. Now I just wonder what the next year will bring. Am I gonna have to write a journal review like this next year?
oh and you know what?
Well i'm gonna post before it dies.. i'll prolly edit this later.
i hope that my firste year is as fun and exciting as yours.
oh no 5% ... leaving now...