I've been tagged by Walker
So here we go......20 interesting things about me
1. I met my husband online at espin the bottle a little over 3 years ago. We met in person at my friends cousins concert and a month later my friend from College Natalie invited us to Vegas, and we got married. All our trip money went to the wedding so for the rest of the weekend we were broke.
2. I don't know how to drive, I took drivers Ed and all and got my permit back in the day. But I never took the driving test. And now I really don't want to learn to drive. I know I should but ehh
3. I'm obsessed with piggies
I collect pig toys and banks and pictures and yeah anything with pigs on it. One day I hope to have a pot bellied pig as a pet. Their so smart and not dirty at all (well they are if they live outside on a farm) and so damn cute.
4. In high school I was a costume techie geek. I worked costume crew for the theatre and that's how I got started sewing and making things. One time I had to make 30 pooch pants (those knickers they wore back in Macbeth time) It was so stressfull and the actors were ass holes, but I loved it. If i could find a job working with costumes I would.
5. I've worn glasses since I was 4 years old. I still have my first pair of minnie mouse pink glasses. I tried contacts but my eye doctor told me that my eyeballs aren't round their football shaped so the only contacts I could wear are the hard ones. The hurt like a biotch so I thre them out. Now I;m saving money to get Lasik Surgery
6. 6 months ago I had a gastric bypass (most of you know that) Well I've lost 100lbs and my butt is smaller and my boobs that makes me
But oh well. A little advice never never never go to City of Angeles Medical Center the overcharge for everything!!!!! The surgery has changed my life. I'm happier, more confident, my legs and back don't hurt, I can walk for longer periods of time, and well life is just great.
7. I love most animals, except spiders (ewwww) But I really kinda have a small fear of cats. I had a cat named Ashley and she hated me. She'd pounce on my toes and bite me for no reason. So now when I see a cat that looks like her I stay away from it. I still want to buy a kitty one day. Hopefully it will like me.
8. I hate my inlaws, they smoke constantly. I hate going over to visit cause they light up all the time seriously all the time. And not just cigarettes abut weed too. You can be in the house for like 1 minute and you allready reek of smoke. I care about my health I don't want to be around them. Plus my father in law just creeps me out. Plus when Chris was younger they let him do drugs all the time, not even a little discipline. He could of died he did so much drugs and they didn't try to stop him. Now though he is clean but he does love his whiskey sours
9. I can't swim, I took lessons when I was littl ebut they didn't help much. And it's funny cause now we have an above ground pool and I'm in it a lot. I can go under water but I need to hold on to the edge. I think cause durring my lessons we played ring around the rosey and we all went down and no one pulled me back up.
10. Swimming lessons is also why I'm afraid of heights. At the end of the seaon everyone got to go off the high dive and I didn't want to go. So the instructer took me up and said he'd jump in with me. Well he didn't he pushed me in that bastard
now I'm scared of heights and going up on ladders
11. I used to practice witchcraft, none of the spells ever worked. And my brother used to tell his friends that I wa a witch. I even red tarot cards for some of his friends and I was supriseingly accurate.
12. I hate my grndma! She lives with us and I've lived with her all my life. She's mean and stubburn and just all around a bad person. She hit me a few times and she hits the dogs. In fact we had a puppy once and she hit her so hard the little dog died a few days later. She calls my husband and my dad stupid. And she thinks her way is always right. She also claims that she owns this house and pays all the bills, well she doesn't own the house and she pays no bills. And she always eats my food, my special food that I buy because I can't eat regulare food. And she lies all the time. I could go on but I need to finish this list
13. I taught myself to knit and crochet and sew. I even make up my own patterns to crochet and sew and they actually turn out pretty good.
14. I'm a picky eater. I hate veggies except for peas carrots corn celery spinach and lettuce. I can no longer eat a lot of beef (due to surgery) I loathe tomatoes except for ketchup and pasta sauce. If there is a chunk of tomato I'll pick it out and feed it to the dogs.
There are more picky moments but none quite like the thmato thing
15. When I was little I went to sea world an got attacked by a wild chicken
Why was there a chicken at sea world I don't know. Why it went after me I don't know.
16. I collect purses, all kinds. Ugly ones cute ones. Big ones small ones. I have about 30 right now and I only use one of them. Just a normal dickies purse. But I do have a special vegas purse for when I go out there
17. As much as I love to sew I hate my stupid sewing machine. The thread breaks the needles break I get a whole tangle of thread in the bobbin. The light bulb burns out, the oil gets everywhere. But it does it job. But it better look out as soon as I get enough money I'm buying a fancy new one.
18. I have a tradition of nameing chihuahuahs that we own after drinks such as Margarita and Teguila. I've had 3 dogs named Tequila, but sadly they all died for odd reasons so name more Tequilas for me.
19. I love writing letters, and making stationary for the people I write to. That's why I love the pen pal group!!
20. I watch every CSI all three versions every week. I love that show especially Vegas. My husband likes the New York one and we both think Miami is ok.
Ok that was a lot harder than I though it would be.
So now I'll tag 5 people
So here we go......20 interesting things about me
1. I met my husband online at espin the bottle a little over 3 years ago. We met in person at my friends cousins concert and a month later my friend from College Natalie invited us to Vegas, and we got married. All our trip money went to the wedding so for the rest of the weekend we were broke.
2. I don't know how to drive, I took drivers Ed and all and got my permit back in the day. But I never took the driving test. And now I really don't want to learn to drive. I know I should but ehh

3. I'm obsessed with piggies

4. In high school I was a costume techie geek. I worked costume crew for the theatre and that's how I got started sewing and making things. One time I had to make 30 pooch pants (those knickers they wore back in Macbeth time) It was so stressfull and the actors were ass holes, but I loved it. If i could find a job working with costumes I would.
5. I've worn glasses since I was 4 years old. I still have my first pair of minnie mouse pink glasses. I tried contacts but my eye doctor told me that my eyeballs aren't round their football shaped so the only contacts I could wear are the hard ones. The hurt like a biotch so I thre them out. Now I;m saving money to get Lasik Surgery
6. 6 months ago I had a gastric bypass (most of you know that) Well I've lost 100lbs and my butt is smaller and my boobs that makes me

7. I love most animals, except spiders (ewwww) But I really kinda have a small fear of cats. I had a cat named Ashley and she hated me. She'd pounce on my toes and bite me for no reason. So now when I see a cat that looks like her I stay away from it. I still want to buy a kitty one day. Hopefully it will like me.
8. I hate my inlaws, they smoke constantly. I hate going over to visit cause they light up all the time seriously all the time. And not just cigarettes abut weed too. You can be in the house for like 1 minute and you allready reek of smoke. I care about my health I don't want to be around them. Plus my father in law just creeps me out. Plus when Chris was younger they let him do drugs all the time, not even a little discipline. He could of died he did so much drugs and they didn't try to stop him. Now though he is clean but he does love his whiskey sours

9. I can't swim, I took lessons when I was littl ebut they didn't help much. And it's funny cause now we have an above ground pool and I'm in it a lot. I can go under water but I need to hold on to the edge. I think cause durring my lessons we played ring around the rosey and we all went down and no one pulled me back up.
10. Swimming lessons is also why I'm afraid of heights. At the end of the seaon everyone got to go off the high dive and I didn't want to go. So the instructer took me up and said he'd jump in with me. Well he didn't he pushed me in that bastard

11. I used to practice witchcraft, none of the spells ever worked. And my brother used to tell his friends that I wa a witch. I even red tarot cards for some of his friends and I was supriseingly accurate.
12. I hate my grndma! She lives with us and I've lived with her all my life. She's mean and stubburn and just all around a bad person. She hit me a few times and she hits the dogs. In fact we had a puppy once and she hit her so hard the little dog died a few days later. She calls my husband and my dad stupid. And she thinks her way is always right. She also claims that she owns this house and pays all the bills, well she doesn't own the house and she pays no bills. And she always eats my food, my special food that I buy because I can't eat regulare food. And she lies all the time. I could go on but I need to finish this list
13. I taught myself to knit and crochet and sew. I even make up my own patterns to crochet and sew and they actually turn out pretty good.
14. I'm a picky eater. I hate veggies except for peas carrots corn celery spinach and lettuce. I can no longer eat a lot of beef (due to surgery) I loathe tomatoes except for ketchup and pasta sauce. If there is a chunk of tomato I'll pick it out and feed it to the dogs.

15. When I was little I went to sea world an got attacked by a wild chicken

16. I collect purses, all kinds. Ugly ones cute ones. Big ones small ones. I have about 30 right now and I only use one of them. Just a normal dickies purse. But I do have a special vegas purse for when I go out there
17. As much as I love to sew I hate my stupid sewing machine. The thread breaks the needles break I get a whole tangle of thread in the bobbin. The light bulb burns out, the oil gets everywhere. But it does it job. But it better look out as soon as I get enough money I'm buying a fancy new one.
18. I have a tradition of nameing chihuahuahs that we own after drinks such as Margarita and Teguila. I've had 3 dogs named Tequila, but sadly they all died for odd reasons so name more Tequilas for me.
19. I love writing letters, and making stationary for the people I write to. That's why I love the pen pal group!!
20. I watch every CSI all three versions every week. I love that show especially Vegas. My husband likes the New York one and we both think Miami is ok.
Ok that was a lot harder than I though it would be.
So now I'll tag 5 people
You got tagged too lol

oh man! CSI!! im all about CSI i love that show.. las vegas is my fave.