never got around to leaving the site...... so hey. might as well use my membership. wow, its been a long time since i updated this thing. i guess to start take two on sg i'll go with a little rundown on what has been going the past few years:
- i adopted a cat a little over a year ago. poor little guy had been...
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- i adopted a cat a little over a year ago. poor little guy had been...
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nice pics
the trip was fun.... got to see lots of good people...... i am tired now
and p.s. i still hate driving through connecticut with a passion. the drive up on friday took 7 hours because of traffic in connecticut

and p.s. i still hate driving through connecticut with a passion. the drive up on friday took 7 hours because of traffic in connecticut

Hooray for Santa Clause!!!
See you friday!
See you friday!
we should sink CT and just build a bridge from MA to NY/NJ
See you Friday night. I talked to Tom a few hrs ago about the trip down. He'll fill you in on the details. And I'll be baking that morning

See you Friday night. I talked to Tom a few hrs ago about the trip down. He'll fill you in on the details. And I'll be baking that morning

its about time that i updated this thing, i have been a little lazy about.... especially right after camping since i was still wicked tired from the trip.
last friday i went to see MSI with my non-blood little sis, an old friend of ours, and TReBlah. a good show as always. say what you will about MSI, but they really know how to...
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last friday i went to see MSI with my non-blood little sis, an old friend of ours, and TReBlah. a good show as always. say what you will about MSI, but they really know how to...
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heh. weird. what did YOU think of it?
Ha, I guess I shouldn't expect anything less from a man who organizes a gourmet buffet in the middle of the woods..
back from ECCT 2006. so tired....... so much fun. i'll do a real update when i have some energy, but right now i need to hop in the shower.
i ordered my msi ticket. are you still going? who are you going with?
Thanks for putting the trip together. I had a blast.

boston trip was good. to all the people that gave myself and tom places to stay during our trip, i say thank you
to all the great people that i got to see, i can't wait until we can get together again

man, i am still trying to get used to the new set up around here. i played around with the beta version a bit to try and get a little taste for what we were in store for, but i was in no way prepared. everything is in new places and i am just not used to where they are yet, so everything is taking...
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We should try and get together with you guys on Thursday. Pip and I both have the day off, and will be free aftedr about 4:00 pm 

Hey sexy biotch. Miss you johnny cakes.
I will get my ass up there soon enough. It takes a little planning.
You love your days of down time. I can't blame you.
I will get my ass up there soon enough. It takes a little planning.
You love your days of down time. I can't blame you.
went to a party last night. had a good time, drank about 3/4 of a bottle of wine, got home at 4:30am
now today i am feeling the effects
well, at least i have tomorrow off to enjoy when i am not feeling like crap

now today i am feeling the effects

Most definately, hombre!!!

you sure do party a lot.

decided it was time for a new profile pic so i dug this one up. YAY for new profile pics
hanging out with my peeps on sunday, should kick some serious ass, always does
i'll be catching up on comments tomorrow. g'nite.

hanging out with my peeps on sunday, should kick some serious ass, always does

i'll be catching up on comments tomorrow. g'nite.
thanks!! I like yours a ton, too!

I like the new profile pic, very nice.
Too bad you didn't come out on Friday, it was fun.
Too bad you didn't come out on Friday, it was fun.
hmmm, it's good to be back on the site after taking a few days to just unplug and pretty much stay away from computers all together. it was good, got some reading done and relaxed a good amount, but there is no escaping the lure of SG
anyway, it's been a while since i updated this. thursday i went drinking in manhattan with a few...
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anyway, it's been a while since i updated this. thursday i went drinking in manhattan with a few...
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No, not at all. It's complicated. I just don't think this is the right place for me right now.
I mean, yeah, I don't really like it as much as I'd thought I would.. but it was to be expected. You don't go to R&S Strauss when you want a cheeseburger, know what I mean?
I mean, yeah, I don't really like it as much as I'd thought I would.. but it was to be expected. You don't go to R&S Strauss when you want a cheeseburger, know what I mean?
haha sounds mad mate
yeah i kept away from SG for a while... spent most of the time down the pub
wasting money.

i went into work last night to find out that they actually have gotten a decent chunk of our computer system back up and running. its about damn time in my opinion, it had been completely down since wednesday night. well, we did still have the net, so i was still able to get on SG
anyway though, it is partially up, i still have...
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I wish I could get on SG while I'm at work! I might never leave

changing your profile is one of the small joys of life!

doing it caveman style really sucks
yeah, i know that must look pretty damn strange, but allow me to explain. picture this if you a will. you have a multi-million dollar company with multiple stores that share the same inventory, its just split up so different parts of it are in different stores. wouldn't you think it very important to make sure the stock system...
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yeah, i know that must look pretty damn strange, but allow me to explain. picture this if you a will. you have a multi-million dollar company with multiple stores that share the same inventory, its just split up so different parts of it are in different stores. wouldn't you think it very important to make sure the stock system...
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you? never.
sucks about work...hope it's fixed soon, so you don't have to go all postal and shit..

sucks about work...hope it's fixed soon, so you don't have to go all postal and shit..

Dude...the night we finally exchanged names my goatee was already gone! Don't feel too bad. It took my boss four hours of work to realize it was gone, and I see her everyday. It just goes to show you that if you shave your beard to protect your identity after an unexplainable killing spree, you're probably going to get caught.
Glad to hear you've been able to quit smoking and you've been keeping active by playing hockey. The cat looks adorable but also seems pretty curious too.
Invader Zim rocks. Even Trillian likes the show