Holy shit, someone (not at ALL creepily) bought me three more months of SG. Weird, yo.
Let's see, four years in like a few sentences. Uhh... I think you all got the part about graduating and moving to Raleigh with the boyfriend. Let's see, after that-- got a few jobs, got canned from a few jobs, drank some chai, started directing the Anne McCaffrey fan...
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Let's see, four years in like a few sentences. Uhh... I think you all got the part about graduating and moving to Raleigh with the boyfriend. Let's see, after that-- got a few jobs, got canned from a few jobs, drank some chai, started directing the Anne McCaffrey fan...
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A buddy wrote about her root canal experience yesterday, so I guess I'd better write about mine.
It's a long story, and this is the short version.
First off, I never got the actual root canal. After my dentist consulted with my periodontist, we were all in agreement that the molar (henceforth #31) needed to get yanked altogether, for various hygienic, financial, and cosmetic reasons....
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It's a long story, and this is the short version.
First off, I never got the actual root canal. After my dentist consulted with my periodontist, we were all in agreement that the molar (henceforth #31) needed to get yanked altogether, for various hygienic, financial, and cosmetic reasons....
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crazy strory. I got a filling last week.
Damn, that sounds a bit like my 4 wisdom teeth being pulled, minus the boyfriend part.
Sorry I haven't been around. Work, and much out-of-towning, and strange body pains, and upcoming root canals and wisdom tooth extractions, have kept me at a distance.
Despite this, my email box has recently gotten a small rush of friends requests and messages, which brings me back to post the following Public Service Announcement.
It's like this:
Don't request my friendship if you don't read....
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Despite this, my email box has recently gotten a small rush of friends requests and messages, which brings me back to post the following Public Service Announcement.
It's like this:
Don't request my friendship if you don't read....
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i think i forgot to bring my stiff prick to the party.
am i still invited?
as a marginal, yet thankful, friend, i miss your regular rakish take on life and bold swipes at your online neighbors.
credit whre credit is due: i somehow missed the boobs, but i still appreciate your underappreciated ass.

as a marginal, yet thankful, friend, i miss your regular rakish take on life and bold swipes at your online neighbors.
credit whre credit is due: i somehow missed the boobs, but i still appreciate your underappreciated ass.

So, holy crap, I'm back. I've been gone for, what, a year or something? And I've only forked over enough dough to keep a membership here for a month; I've done this primarily because I did a few artistic renderings of various naked ladies 'round these here parts, and I figure I'd better have their permission before I try to, you know, sell said drawings....
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Randomly browsing pictures and noticed that you 'just so happened' to have American Gods and Enders' Game posing next to you.
Those are some amazing reads. Bravo on the pics and the art. I've really let my drawing slip by the wayside and am kicking myself for it constantly.

What's up doc. I'm sorta back. Drop me a line or two.
Gonna cancel my account. I'm barely active here anymore, and I really can't justify the cost right now. Some of you will know where to find me elsewhere on the 'net. Some of you won't. It's nothing personal. I just don't want everyone and their mother asking me what/how I'm doing. It's such a worthless question.
I may be back. I may not.
So long,...
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I may be back. I may not.
So long,...
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Hey fucker, say hi sometime.
I know, I know, I haven't updated in forever. Though probably you don't care by this point. Most of my updates go elseblog; I'm too lazy to cross-post these days.
So this post, too, will be brief. It's a few quotes from Contact, which I've begun re-reading.
When they pulled her out, she was not crying at all. Her tiny brow was wrinkled, and...
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So this post, too, will be brief. It's a few quotes from Contact, which I've begun re-reading.
When they pulled her out, she was not crying at all. Her tiny brow was wrinkled, and...
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we care.
how's it hangin', ms. monster cock?
[Edited on Apr 23, 2005 4:57PM]
how's it hangin', ms. monster cock?
[Edited on Apr 23, 2005 4:57PM]
We do care. I was going to ask how you've been earlier, but didn't...basically because I can be a terrible friend.
Have returned from swimming. Victory is mine! And I say that not because I raced against someone, oh, no. No, it's because I feel like, even though this is only the second time I've sallied forth on this self-imposed regiment of aqua-robics, I'm already accomplishing something. I don't swim very many laps consecutively and the ones I swim I don't swim well. Freestyle and breaststroke,...
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I wish I was a better swimmer than I am, consider I grew up with oceans and pools and plenty of water. I mean, I can swim just fine, but not well.
i saw some of your artwork in the fan art group
i wanted to say how beautiful i thought it was and if u ever felt inspired to draw me. i would be HONORED!!
i wanted to say how beautiful i thought it was and if u ever felt inspired to draw me. i would be HONORED!!

Didn't get any of my written stuff into the Arrowhead, the school's literary magazine.
The fucking irresponsible editor of said Arrowhead didn't bother to tell me, when she called the other night to tell me she needed the digital copy of the one photograph that DID get in, that she needed it by 4pm today. I didn't get her "reminder" email until just now. Sent...
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no, no, Cav...don't hold back. tell us how you really feel.
i think someone needs a little lovin' and a hug. consider it done, hun.

i think someone needs a little lovin' and a hug. consider it done, hun.

So I'm watching everyone else's worlds sort of collapse around them in winter's last hurrah, and though I'm sympathetic--empathetic, even--I feel progressively less inclined to be as effected by their moods. This is, I think, primarily due to the phenomenon by which my own level of happiness is directly inverse to everyone else's, so I have to say that the Melancholy Condition is applying to...
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It's all about the love baby...give in...

wow. strangely, i could copy what you've written in your journal and paste it into mine, (mostly cuz i despise summer and that makes me dislike spring a little.)
Word of the Day:
1.) Because I just purchased a coffee-maker.
2.) Because there's no way this word can't not (*twitch* double negative *twitch*) sound perverted, even in context.
"Has it percolated yet?"
"I'm addicted to percolation."
"This thing is taking way too long to percolate."
...or something.
Use this word in a sentence once today. Impress...
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1.) Because I just purchased a coffee-maker.
2.) Because there's no way this word can't not (*twitch* double negative *twitch*) sound perverted, even in context.
"Has it percolated yet?"
"I'm addicted to percolation."
"This thing is taking way too long to percolate."
...or something.
Use this word in a sentence once today. Impress...
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Ha ha ha, I heard a song on the radio one late night long long ago that was called, "The Percolater". It kept going, "Do tha percolater...do tha percolater...." like it was some kind of cool dance or something, and it had an awesome little percolating beat!
Quite a pervy little word, I will agree. Maybe you should make up a dance to go with the song. Since noone probably ever saw the dance, you can claim props

i lreally appreciate the possibilities that came up when thesaurusized "percolate":
bleed, bubble, charge, drain, drip, exude, filter, impregnate, leach, ooze, pass through, penetrate, perk, permeate, pervade, saturate, strain, sweat, transfuse, transude, weep
Hang on tight, baby, I've got your percolater RIGHT HERE!
bleed, bubble, charge, drain, drip, exude, filter, impregnate, leach, ooze, pass through, penetrate, perk, permeate, pervade, saturate, strain, sweat, transfuse, transude, weep
Hang on tight, baby, I've got your percolater RIGHT HERE!
1. Haircut today. Yesterday. Whatever. Haircut = good.
2. Back to school today. Friends = Good. Paper/studying for Maj. American Writers 1890-1950 when I get back = Not so good.
3. I don't really have anything to put here, but I hate doing shit in even numbers.
Oh. I see it is TedKoppel's birthday. Happy birthday to you, Ted. May a lovely big-breasted...
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1. Haircut today. Yesterday. Whatever. Haircut = good.
2. Back to school today. Friends = Good. Paper/studying for Maj. American Writers 1890-1950 when I get back = Not so good.
3. I don't really have anything to put here, but I hate doing shit in even numbers.
Oh. I see it is TedKoppel's birthday. Happy birthday to you, Ted. May a lovely big-breasted...
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Yeah, like I'm going to a strip club.
that bill part kinda sucks.
I got a FEver.
And the only preSCRIPtion...
...is more COWBELL!
(Edited to add link to T-Shirty Goodness.)
I got a FEver.
And the only preSCRIPtion...
...is more COWBELL!
(Edited to add link to T-Shirty Goodness.)
An LJ myself? Sorta, but it's not really worth looking at. www.livejournal.com/users/tedkoppel. One of the people on my friends list made it for me. My AIM name is tedkoppel13.
And you'll get your child support when you start puttin' out again.
And you'll get your child support when you start puttin' out again.