Greetings from the great(?) state of Texas!
I'm in Arlington Texas for training on a new computer system that I am about to implement at work. Obviously it isn't that particularly interesting or challanging since I am spending my lunch break sitting in the classroom typing to you kids and staring at boobies (mmmmm, boobies).
I find myself oddly attracted to the mystique of Texas. The independence and attitude is both alluring and apalling. There is an abnormally high level of arrogance without merrit in the locals and that drives me batshit. On one hand I love the throughly bullshit rock n' roll cowboy myth and I find it easier to get my head in that space when I'm in Texas. On the other I hate people who tend to label themselves "cowboys". Not actual cowboys mind you, just the hoe-dunk, po-dunk well-there motherfuckers who subscribe to the redneck at all cost mentality.
Oh well, had an excellent travel day yesterday. Spent the morning at the doctor with Ramby and met the woman who will more than likely be her new nurologist at Kaiser. Then we went to breakfast at Hot Cakes. It was allright, but if you are in the same neighborhood you should just trott your ass over to Bump n' Grind. Packed up, had lunch with my old lady (yet another reason I can't hate Texas too much since she sprung from the earth of Arlington fully formed) and then hauled my happy ass to D.I.A. to deal with that stress and disaster. The only real issue I had was a gamble on parking and no plan B (The big sign on the way in lied to me and said there was no parking available. Thank you god of parking for alowing me to vanquish the people that run the parking lot at D.I.A. Bastards never had a chance trying to hold me down).
Oh well, the other students are returning from lunch (Fajitas, yay). So I suppose it's time to file the boobies away until I can return to my hotel and partake in the spanktravision.
Funny side note (at least to me). I was flipping through the menus on the tv at the hotel last night and saw that they had a porn catagory labled Alternative. Now, as a member of this site I have a certain mindset when I see the word Alternative and porn in the same phrase. What that mindset gives me is hot chicks with tattoos and piercings. What it does not give me is gay dudes. So, if you are ever looking for the gay porn in your hotels remember to look under alternative not gay.
Wouldn't want anyone to think you were gay or anything.
That would just be gay and jebus knows we wouldn't want your wife and kids to find out.
Since, you know, you're totally straight.
Go Cowboys!
I'm in Arlington Texas for training on a new computer system that I am about to implement at work. Obviously it isn't that particularly interesting or challanging since I am spending my lunch break sitting in the classroom typing to you kids and staring at boobies (mmmmm, boobies).
I find myself oddly attracted to the mystique of Texas. The independence and attitude is both alluring and apalling. There is an abnormally high level of arrogance without merrit in the locals and that drives me batshit. On one hand I love the throughly bullshit rock n' roll cowboy myth and I find it easier to get my head in that space when I'm in Texas. On the other I hate people who tend to label themselves "cowboys". Not actual cowboys mind you, just the hoe-dunk, po-dunk well-there motherfuckers who subscribe to the redneck at all cost mentality.
Oh well, had an excellent travel day yesterday. Spent the morning at the doctor with Ramby and met the woman who will more than likely be her new nurologist at Kaiser. Then we went to breakfast at Hot Cakes. It was allright, but if you are in the same neighborhood you should just trott your ass over to Bump n' Grind. Packed up, had lunch with my old lady (yet another reason I can't hate Texas too much since she sprung from the earth of Arlington fully formed) and then hauled my happy ass to D.I.A. to deal with that stress and disaster. The only real issue I had was a gamble on parking and no plan B (The big sign on the way in lied to me and said there was no parking available. Thank you god of parking for alowing me to vanquish the people that run the parking lot at D.I.A. Bastards never had a chance trying to hold me down).
Oh well, the other students are returning from lunch (Fajitas, yay). So I suppose it's time to file the boobies away until I can return to my hotel and partake in the spanktravision.
Funny side note (at least to me). I was flipping through the menus on the tv at the hotel last night and saw that they had a porn catagory labled Alternative. Now, as a member of this site I have a certain mindset when I see the word Alternative and porn in the same phrase. What that mindset gives me is hot chicks with tattoos and piercings. What it does not give me is gay dudes. So, if you are ever looking for the gay porn in your hotels remember to look under alternative not gay.
Wouldn't want anyone to think you were gay or anything.
That would just be gay and jebus knows we wouldn't want your wife and kids to find out.
Since, you know, you're totally straight.
Go Cowboys!

I think that will be great for a shoot. How is the work stuff going?

update and shit. fuck, you're so lazy.