- on anothervictim's page
Emal addy noted. I will miss you on here but I will keep in touch!

You are still here and when you go grey it won't be for long unless, of course, you have some reason to go grey like the fact that this site has become so commercial. Please let me know....
: (
When's your last day?
If you leave me I will cry.
At least tell me how to keep in contact with you. Please *gives sad puppy dog eyes*
At least tell me how to keep in contact with you. Please *gives sad puppy dog eyes*

say goodbye anothervictim.
no please dont leave!

Why are you going?
are you still evil?
Come be evil with me. Come to the darkside.
Come be evil with me. Come to the darkside.
wish me luck.
Good luck pumpkin. Be safe!!
Luck has been wished for in your general direction.
shower and a shave today. Then its off to find something to wear to my sister's wedding. It's funny that the only nice clothes I have bought in the past 10 years has been to wear for funerals for family members. It's somewhat of a relief that this time it is for something positive...well I hope it's positive. The worst part is I cannot find...
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5"5 oh and a 1/2. Yes I count the 1/2 of an inch damnit!!
Good luck finding an outfit. I am sure that you will look wonederful and I demand lots of pictures!! I know that you are the photographer and all so you should know how to work a tripod
[Edited on Apr 20, 2005 9:29PM]
Good luck finding an outfit. I am sure that you will look wonederful and I demand lots of pictures!! I know that you are the photographer and all so you should know how to work a tripod

[Edited on Apr 20, 2005 9:29PM]
I tend to think that hermits have very interesting lives: hoarding, spying, buildinb bombs. All intersting stuff

Student film? What on earth did you expect? Have you seen any of the OTHER videos on this site?
so freekin bored. My sister's wedding is in a month and I'm the photographer. I have a list of crap I gotta do before then. Just putting things off till the last moment. hrmmm
See I liked the eggs. I really hate eggs but that made them bearable. I guesss we will never agree on anything.

I have heard about the chicken farm. I don't want the visual. Really. I don't
battlestar galactica is the hotness.
Thank you - We appreciate that!

Thank you - We appreciate that!
would a punch in the nose wake you up?
Um...yeah! But I don't know if I'd wake up in the best of moods?
Well I assume that is what it was. We were cool until I emailed him the pictures before I posted them on SG. Then he I never heard from him again. And today I actually realized that he was off my list.
I am sorry that your sister getting married has upset you. I would be upset to if it was me. But I would be mad that she got married before me. I am sure that is not why you are upset. Big hugs honey.
I am sorry that your sister getting married has upset you. I would be upset to if it was me. But I would be mad that she got married before me. I am sure that is not why you are upset. Big hugs honey.
I'm so pissed right now. I ordered delivery tonight for dinner and it didn't come, even though my credit card had been charged. The worst part was the old lady who worked fo the answering service kept telling me he was on his way to deliver it, but after 3 hours I gave up on listening for the door. so fucked up.
alot of boring new photosets lately. I need art.