I just watched this video for the first time.

Good for Miley doing what she wants as an artist and entertainer. She is young and is living life - why so much hate towards her figuring things out and being herself? http://youtu.be/My2FRPA3Gf8


A special shout out to one of the best albums of my youth and a hidden track that was made for this site. ;)

Great album !!!

The Fall 2014 semester officially kicked-off for me earlier tonight. Grad school completion is one day (and two classes) closer. Loving it!


It is so much easier to enjoy this site again because we just switched from Verizon to Comcast for a faster internet connection. So much happier and good to spend a little more browsing and writing time on SG.

Excellent musical choice!
yes, it is:)
Headed to Brooklyn in the morning. A couple days to hang out with friends and then I start my new job Monday.

Training/onboarding/orientation takes place in the main office in NY, but I'll still work out of the D.C. office.

Just saw The Hobbit. Loved it overall but being very nit-picky right now on certain aspects - so I'll keep most thoughts to myself for the time being.

The dwarves are all fantastic and The Riddle scene is wonderful.

That is all (for now).

Good night. smile
EyesWideShut - all in good time, this should be out for a little while, but curious if it will have the theater staying power of the LOTR trilogy.
NicolovesMarci - I didn't see it in 3D last night but plan on doing so soon. I'm probably looking at IMAX 3D for the next viewing with my niece, nephews and brother. Very cool visuals just in the "regular" version. Enjoy and let me know what you think once you do see it. Have a great weekend.
What do I want to do with my life? I was let go from my account side advertising agency position last Tuesday. I am just over a semester in to a masters program in Publications Design at the University of Baltimore (love it) and need to pay the bills.

I've already been approached about opportunities with other agencies but I'm convinced it just won't make...
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