I went to Lollapalooza in New Jersey and on the second stage I saw Steve-O break light bulbs and cut his tongue all up. Then he took the blood and smeared it all over his face and chest like war paint. In front of me this big guy with a Marilyn Manson t-shirt just passed the fuck out. I couldn't believe it. Someone with a Marilyn Manson shirt is a pussy? It was nasty but not passing out nasty. But that's just one of the insane things Steve-O does such a smashing cans of beer against his head until they explode and stapling his dick to his leg. You can see him do that shit and more, like eating rancid meat on his Too Hot for TV-like videos.
But Steve-O, real name Steve Glover, is actually surprisingly intelligent and charismatic no matter how stupid he tells you he is. We had a great conversation about gayness, butterflying your scrotum and what he would do if he was paralyzed.
Check out Steve-O's website.
Daniel Robert Epstein: What have you been doing at Lollapalooza?
Steve-O: A whole lot of stunts that aren't allowed on television. It's pretty rad. I get really drunk and do stunts because I can't drink on TV. I bleed a lot. I pretty much just hurt myself.
DRE: Are you going to drag Perry Farrell onstage with you?
SO: Well I'm on the second stage. I was able to slip my buddy Ryan Simonetti in and we're filming him doing stunts.
DRE: I heard the first show in Indianapolis didn't workout because of the weather. What did you instead?
SO: We got drunk and stoned.
DRE: Why are you ok with an alligator nipping at your crotch but you won't put a matchbox car up your butt?
SO: Sticking stuff up your butt is kind of gay. I was just worried my father would be disappointed.
DRE: Do you think Ryan Dunn's father was disappointed in him?
SO: I'm not sure. I could only imagine that he was.
DRE: I read that you have significant desire to be historically significant.
SO: Yeah I'm totally into that. We'll all be dead but some people somewhere will still be watching my videos. I'll live forever like that.
DRE: What happened with the obscenity charges when you stapled your scrotum to you leg?
SO: They got dropped but I had to post over a million dollars bail. It was crazy.
DRE: Did Johnny Knoxville have to front it for you?
SO: Nah [laughs]. I didn't have any million bucks but I got it reduced to $150,000 and my accountant put that up.
DRE: What happened the very first time you stapled your nutsack to your leg?
SO: The first time I did I stapled both sides of my sack to leg and I called it the butterfly was really excited. I was terribly high on cocaine. I remember a lot of excitement because I would be able to mellow out for a couple of weeks and still feel as though I accomplished something. If I go too long without doing something stupid I start getting anxious. I knew that would cover me for a while.
DRE: Did you do anything stupid today?
SO: Not really. I kind of threw my back out. We are going to do something stupid today. We're putting plywood on the roof of the tour bus and we're lining it up with another tour bus. We're going to drive them side by side while my buddy Ryan Simonetti jumps a skateboard from bus to bus.
We're also going to build a jump ramp onto an ATV four wheeler and we're going have them drive right at us while we are skateboards so it scoops us up.
DRE: Do you still do stupid stuff just for fun or do want to get paid for it?
SO: We enjoy the hell out of it. We just want to be rad but we are absolutely filming for Steve-O video volume 3. It's called Steve-O Video Volume 3: Out on Bail.
DRE: How is Swedish jail different from American jails?
SO: Its really cool man. You're allowed to smoke cigarettes and you can even buy cigarettes. They would give me books and a radio. They would dig through my stuff though whenever I went to take a crap.
DRE: What kind of groupies do you get?
SO: Sluts. I've fucked a lot of sluts [laughs]. But now I got a girl. She's way rad. I'm 29 and she's 19. It's awesome.
DRE: Do you still feel pain?
SO: Yeah, more and more I think.
DRE: When was the very first time you hurt yourself and liked it?
SO: When I was 10 years old I had the last of my baby teeth. I remember walking into class and telling this girl sitting next to me that I didn't have to be in class that day and I was allowed to leave. Then I ripped out one of these baby teeth prematurely so it was a real bloody mess. I showed the teacher all the blood in my mouth and said I had to go to the nurse. So the teacher let me and I was walking out I said to the girl, see I told you I didn't have to be in class. I remember being really proud of that.
DRE: I also read about when you were two years old and you opened up a taxi door while it was moving.
SO: That's a story my parents tell. The way they describe it is that I was climbing out of the window of a moving car.
DRE: Are you guys GG Allin fans?
SO: Not at all. I've seen some video of him. He seems kind of mean spirited. I really make an effort to not hurt anyone but myself. People describe me as GG Allin with a conscience.
DRE: What's going up your nose next?
SO: I don't know. I do have to stop putting cocaine up my nose though. I haven't done that for over two months now.
DRE: You're on the wagon because of this 19 year old?
SO: I don't know man. I was just starting to act like a real but nut. Maybe I'll do coke if I want but I don't want to right now.
DRE: How did you get the job as a circus clown back in the day?
SO: I graduated from Ringling Bros Barnum and Bailey Clown College. So I'm a professional circus clown who's retired. Now I'm professional irresponsible.
DRE: Are you guys going to do another jackass movie?
SO: I don't know. I got another show on MTV coming up with Chris Pontius. It's a nature show that they ordered ten episodes of. We're going to team up with Steve "Crocodile Hunter" Irwin this month and play around with venomous snakes and other dangerous animals. We're really not getting any smarter.
DRE: Lets say that god forbid one of your arms gets torn off.
SO: Everyone's dying for that. They want to see one of my butt cheeks get chomped off. Then they could call me Old Half Assed Steve-O.
DRE: Would you keep doing this stuff if you got maimed?
SO: I'm sure I would. If I was paralyzed in a wheelchair I'm sure I would be flying myself off roofs anyway.
DRE: Is there anything you're afraid of doing?
SO: Yeah I try not to get too hurt. I really pick my battles carefully. Anything that will wreck me too bad I try to steer clear of. Obviously not shoving shit up my ass I'm not a fan of.
DRE: Do people want to try and kick your ass when you're out on the road?
SO: I wouldn't say that but people come up to me to get more recognition and not even the smartest people in the world. I really don't draw the most intelligent crowd.
DRE: What's the best thing that's come out of these stunts?
SO: I just want to know that when I die I've left plenty of shit behind.
DRE: Have you met many of your Goth fans?
SO: Naw. But my first cousin is a mortician. He just loves to play with dead bodies. I was scheming to get a dead body from him so I could do a public service announcement with the dead body as a puppet. Its such a taboo to play with a dead body. We're all too scared to die and I think that if I make a dead body say something like Kids, practice safe sex or you'll wind up dead like me. I don't think anyone would be able to criticize me. Forcing people to think about dying is something I get a kick out of.
DRE: Are you scared of dying?
SO: Absolutely. I think if you're not afraid to die then you're probably not appreciating life enough.
DRE: How come you got the tattoo of yourself on your back?
SO: I think most people's favorite topic of conversation is themselves. I just want to come out and admit.
DRE: What do you find most interesting about yourself?
SO: That an ugly motherfucker like me could make a career in entertaining people.
DRE: Where are you off to next?
SO: Cincinnati but I'm not going to Lollapalooza. We're going straight to rent a U-Haul and then over to Home Depot to fill it up with wood for the ramp. Today is all about doing stunts with the tour bus.
DRE: What's your favorite pornography?
SO: Its got to have cock in it. I'm not gay or nothing but I've got to have cock in my porn. Otherwise it's a skateboard magazine with just pictures of ramps with no one skating.
DRE: What's your favorite girl punk emo or Goth?
SO: I'd probably go with the punk porn.
by [URL]=mailto:danielrobertepstein@hotmail.com]Daniel Robert Epstein
But Steve-O, real name Steve Glover, is actually surprisingly intelligent and charismatic no matter how stupid he tells you he is. We had a great conversation about gayness, butterflying your scrotum and what he would do if he was paralyzed.
Check out Steve-O's website.
Daniel Robert Epstein: What have you been doing at Lollapalooza?
Steve-O: A whole lot of stunts that aren't allowed on television. It's pretty rad. I get really drunk and do stunts because I can't drink on TV. I bleed a lot. I pretty much just hurt myself.
DRE: Are you going to drag Perry Farrell onstage with you?
SO: Well I'm on the second stage. I was able to slip my buddy Ryan Simonetti in and we're filming him doing stunts.
DRE: I heard the first show in Indianapolis didn't workout because of the weather. What did you instead?
SO: We got drunk and stoned.
DRE: Why are you ok with an alligator nipping at your crotch but you won't put a matchbox car up your butt?
SO: Sticking stuff up your butt is kind of gay. I was just worried my father would be disappointed.
DRE: Do you think Ryan Dunn's father was disappointed in him?
SO: I'm not sure. I could only imagine that he was.
DRE: I read that you have significant desire to be historically significant.
SO: Yeah I'm totally into that. We'll all be dead but some people somewhere will still be watching my videos. I'll live forever like that.
DRE: What happened with the obscenity charges when you stapled your scrotum to you leg?
SO: They got dropped but I had to post over a million dollars bail. It was crazy.
DRE: Did Johnny Knoxville have to front it for you?
SO: Nah [laughs]. I didn't have any million bucks but I got it reduced to $150,000 and my accountant put that up.
DRE: What happened the very first time you stapled your nutsack to your leg?
SO: The first time I did I stapled both sides of my sack to leg and I called it the butterfly was really excited. I was terribly high on cocaine. I remember a lot of excitement because I would be able to mellow out for a couple of weeks and still feel as though I accomplished something. If I go too long without doing something stupid I start getting anxious. I knew that would cover me for a while.
DRE: Did you do anything stupid today?
SO: Not really. I kind of threw my back out. We are going to do something stupid today. We're putting plywood on the roof of the tour bus and we're lining it up with another tour bus. We're going to drive them side by side while my buddy Ryan Simonetti jumps a skateboard from bus to bus.
We're also going to build a jump ramp onto an ATV four wheeler and we're going have them drive right at us while we are skateboards so it scoops us up.
DRE: Do you still do stupid stuff just for fun or do want to get paid for it?
SO: We enjoy the hell out of it. We just want to be rad but we are absolutely filming for Steve-O video volume 3. It's called Steve-O Video Volume 3: Out on Bail.
DRE: How is Swedish jail different from American jails?
SO: Its really cool man. You're allowed to smoke cigarettes and you can even buy cigarettes. They would give me books and a radio. They would dig through my stuff though whenever I went to take a crap.
DRE: What kind of groupies do you get?
SO: Sluts. I've fucked a lot of sluts [laughs]. But now I got a girl. She's way rad. I'm 29 and she's 19. It's awesome.
DRE: Do you still feel pain?
SO: Yeah, more and more I think.
DRE: When was the very first time you hurt yourself and liked it?
SO: When I was 10 years old I had the last of my baby teeth. I remember walking into class and telling this girl sitting next to me that I didn't have to be in class that day and I was allowed to leave. Then I ripped out one of these baby teeth prematurely so it was a real bloody mess. I showed the teacher all the blood in my mouth and said I had to go to the nurse. So the teacher let me and I was walking out I said to the girl, see I told you I didn't have to be in class. I remember being really proud of that.
DRE: I also read about when you were two years old and you opened up a taxi door while it was moving.
SO: That's a story my parents tell. The way they describe it is that I was climbing out of the window of a moving car.
DRE: Are you guys GG Allin fans?
SO: Not at all. I've seen some video of him. He seems kind of mean spirited. I really make an effort to not hurt anyone but myself. People describe me as GG Allin with a conscience.
DRE: What's going up your nose next?
SO: I don't know. I do have to stop putting cocaine up my nose though. I haven't done that for over two months now.
DRE: You're on the wagon because of this 19 year old?
SO: I don't know man. I was just starting to act like a real but nut. Maybe I'll do coke if I want but I don't want to right now.
DRE: How did you get the job as a circus clown back in the day?
SO: I graduated from Ringling Bros Barnum and Bailey Clown College. So I'm a professional circus clown who's retired. Now I'm professional irresponsible.
DRE: Are you guys going to do another jackass movie?
SO: I don't know. I got another show on MTV coming up with Chris Pontius. It's a nature show that they ordered ten episodes of. We're going to team up with Steve "Crocodile Hunter" Irwin this month and play around with venomous snakes and other dangerous animals. We're really not getting any smarter.
DRE: Lets say that god forbid one of your arms gets torn off.
SO: Everyone's dying for that. They want to see one of my butt cheeks get chomped off. Then they could call me Old Half Assed Steve-O.
DRE: Would you keep doing this stuff if you got maimed?
SO: I'm sure I would. If I was paralyzed in a wheelchair I'm sure I would be flying myself off roofs anyway.
DRE: Is there anything you're afraid of doing?
SO: Yeah I try not to get too hurt. I really pick my battles carefully. Anything that will wreck me too bad I try to steer clear of. Obviously not shoving shit up my ass I'm not a fan of.
DRE: Do people want to try and kick your ass when you're out on the road?
SO: I wouldn't say that but people come up to me to get more recognition and not even the smartest people in the world. I really don't draw the most intelligent crowd.
DRE: What's the best thing that's come out of these stunts?
SO: I just want to know that when I die I've left plenty of shit behind.
DRE: Have you met many of your Goth fans?
SO: Naw. But my first cousin is a mortician. He just loves to play with dead bodies. I was scheming to get a dead body from him so I could do a public service announcement with the dead body as a puppet. Its such a taboo to play with a dead body. We're all too scared to die and I think that if I make a dead body say something like Kids, practice safe sex or you'll wind up dead like me. I don't think anyone would be able to criticize me. Forcing people to think about dying is something I get a kick out of.
DRE: Are you scared of dying?
SO: Absolutely. I think if you're not afraid to die then you're probably not appreciating life enough.
DRE: How come you got the tattoo of yourself on your back?
SO: I think most people's favorite topic of conversation is themselves. I just want to come out and admit.
DRE: What do you find most interesting about yourself?
SO: That an ugly motherfucker like me could make a career in entertaining people.
DRE: Where are you off to next?
SO: Cincinnati but I'm not going to Lollapalooza. We're going straight to rent a U-Haul and then over to Home Depot to fill it up with wood for the ramp. Today is all about doing stunts with the tour bus.
DRE: What's your favorite pornography?
SO: Its got to have cock in it. I'm not gay or nothing but I've got to have cock in my porn. Otherwise it's a skateboard magazine with just pictures of ramps with no one skating.
DRE: What's your favorite girl punk emo or Goth?
SO: I'd probably go with the punk porn.
by [URL]=mailto:danielrobertepstein@hotmail.com]Daniel Robert Epstein
McKenzie said:
my friend made out with Steveo just recently back in Vegas, She told me that he went to the bathroom and came out with his balls between his legs so it looked like he didnt have them
I'm jelly. He is my celebrity cheat <3