A fun day spent at the L.A. Natural History Museum and the La Brea Tar Pits, two places I haven't visited in a long time. I've always loved the Natural History Museum for the wings of taxidermied animals (I've always been an odd child). I proclaimed the day as "Dino Day" for the specific reason I wanted to wear my 3 Dino Moon shirt. In an effort to go out and do more, I'm trying to plan more themed days. Next planned day is 'Ethnic Food Bonanza Day" where we visit a bunch of the different neighborhoods in LA and pig out. Any suggestions??

Awesome, I love days out and we've got a great bunch of museums in London too if you ever get over this side. I love your shirt! Did you move the exhibits to match your shirt? Lovely to see you looking so happy and Cute! Yes I used the C word 👍🏻 have fun and eat lots 😘
I have always wanted to see the la Brea tar pits.