I just love the smell of autumn.that rich,musty smell of decay.the wind blowing,driving around by myself.ah.serenity.
anyway im all better and im going back to work tomorrow.yay!!!these last few days have been pretty boring although i got all the things i have been meaning to do done.OMG!!! i have the biggest,goonish crush on somebody i work with.has sombody ever made you feel like you want...
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oops , i hit submit a bit too early, haha, thats funny, cuz thats kind of me doing something stupid and makin me want to pull my hair out..except my head is shaved..so it would be a bit hard, but i could get some tweezers, or some bikini wax...anyhoo, as i was saying..

you are a badass chica.... anyguy who isnt interested in you must be gay..you should just go for it...u are the hottest thing since fresh cow pies
I want a girl who can drink me under the table,,, i always drink a whole lot and the chick passes out on me...and im not down with the dead whoring...i like my chicks to move a bit,
Im not the shy type tho, if you like a chik , tell her, someone has to break the ice... you only live once, no point in having regrets... either youl get her, or shell kick you in the nuts...or youll get her, then youll do something stupid and get kicked in the nuts...getin kicked in the nuts is inevitable...so just go for it..
it turns out im not going to be able to make it to portland for the party *pouts*
i have chronic pancreatits which i can fall ill to at any time,unfortunalely i had to this week.of all fucking weeks??!!!!
i should be half way to portland right now!!!
i was so looking forward to a road trip.
instead i got out of the hospital this...
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I would DIE to do a set with you if/when you can make it up from never-never land. Or at least hang out. Get better!
Another chronic pancreatits sufferer... I feel for you. I myself have had it for about 6 years now. hope you get better.

yay!!! i got my doggie back!!!!
and the guy i smashed into with my car said oh dont worry about it,it was unfortunate we had to meet under such circumstances.
finally this crap is over with and all worked out in the end!!!!
anyway let me get to the point. im going to be in portland for the party and was looking for another suicide...
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I wish I were going to Portland! I would love to do a set with you.

i wish i was a SG girl, and then i could do a set with you wink
nothing exciting has gone on here in never never land for days!!!!!!
i went out to breakfast yesterday and on my way home a truck load of people crashed into my car at a stoplight.the momentum made me hit the car in front of me and the people responsible for the wreck just sped off.and you know what i foud out? lol.my car insurace had...
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hey - the car thing sucks...BUT...if the cancel your policy they have to let you know in advance - usually like 30 days......and usually by mail....look at your policy and the local state law on cancellation - if they did not do it pursuant to one of those ways (policy and law) - and they may not have because it sounds like you did not know about it - then the cancellation may not have been valid and your insurance may still be in effect
Let's see - black ink tats, pierced nipples (among others), plaid skirt, Mike Ness and Social D, 200 Cigs, the last unicorn...........you must be an angel....or close to perfection....want a jacko year 'round - tattoo one on you like I did with my Jack Skellington head.
so i found this pit bull on the side of i-5 a few months ago.he was an emaciated tortured mess.willingly he got into my car and i took him home.and you know what? he still remained the sweetest dog after all the abuse he endured.i gave him lots of love,put about 20 pounds on him,got him shots,and the other veteranary care he needed which cost...
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oh baby i'm so sorry . . . a few things you can do. 1. make a thread on the boards about someone adopting this dog. i'm not sure where you live, but there's a good chance that there's someone near you who might be able to take him in. 2) go back to the shelter and figure out whether they're legally required to tell you about this "pit bull rule" before you surrender the dog or not, cause i can't believe that they wouldn't be. figure out if there's any possible way they did something that voids the surrender contract . . . fuck i wish i could think of something else. i agree with what everyone else has said about pits above; i work at a shelter when i have time, and the 2 breeds we get the most by far are pits and rotties. and yes, they are also the ones most often put down, abused, starved, you name it. "oh we have a rotteweiler let's chain it outside all day and use it as a guard dog" - dogs are social animals, they can't survive like that, no wonder they start biting people . . . sorry for the vent. if there's ANYTHING at all you think i might be able to help you with, please email me . . . i've worked in/around a shelter, i'm pre-vet, blah blah, i guess i'm kinda sg's designated animal person. i hppe all goes well, so much love out to you and your puppy . . .
that is so horribly sad. i'm so sorry. i really hope that he gets adopted by someone. i don't like seeing homeless animals either, and i really don't like the thought of them being put to sleep because of some stupid rule.
wow.do you know how much it sucks when you start talking to a girl (well call her jane doe) and then find out they are interested in your ex-girl?
i just went to buy smokes where jane doe works and she brought the ex up in conversation.i guess the look on my face gave it away and she was like oh you know her!!!! yeah...
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You are so so so so cute.
I demand a video of this girl. do you hear me? demand!..

im still sick as shit.i played hookie from work and sat in my garage most of yesterday.by the evening i was so bored i went out with my sister and a few friends in my pajamas.a sniffleing,sneezing,coughing mess.gawd was i a sight.i ended up spending another large sum of money i dont have.horray for credit cards.*kicks self*
i wanted to go home afterward cause i...
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Where the F**k did you do come from. Heaven wouldnt suffice. YOur the best thing since elara. yup. Ill be back laters.
I'm sick too! Waaaaaa!
You went to Rock Bottom? Ooh, does that mean you live in Portland 'cause that would make me so happy!
so here i am the 72nd suicide girl and i have to say
the greatest perk is having access to looking at all
the other beautiful girlies.
blah.im really sick right now.i was completely
dysfunctional at work today and i was assigned a
project that is supposed to be finished by tomorrow
but i can hardly keep my eyes open to paint it.gawd.i
feel horrible.my...
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Pink Panther cartoons? Perfection
God you are so fucking hot. I don't know what to say.



i am glad I got up at 2am to viit SG. It's been a while, what a nice thing to return to.