I've got to know quite a few people on here, and its been loads of fun 
I thought that since you are getting to know me through my messages and blogs maybe I should give you a bit of insight into my every day life, where I live, things I love etc. Basically here is a sneak peak into my house.
The pics are not great but it gives you a bit of an idea
Here is my bookshelf, its definitely not big enough!

You may have spotted the box on top of the bookshelf, this is an Emergency Zombie Defence Station. No home should be without one! I got this from Xaosnyte, the first person I would run to in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Start planning your strategy now people. You know its going to happen eventually

This is my living room. Its way cool cause as you can see I have this big empty wall on the left. That's used for home cinema
We stick Punkskunk's projector on the stairs and away we go.
We watch a lot of zombie movies...

Some of my favourite things I can't live without...
1. My bed... I'm a huge lover of sleep. I'm very very grumpy in the mornings

My cat Neji is also a huge fan of my bed...He is usually found stretched horizontally across it, while I am squished in a corner.

2. My bath....absolutely nothing better on a cold winter day mmmm.

3. My kids... well they might as well be, I love them that much. I will probably be known as a cat lady when I'm a bit older but fuckit, they are cool


and Luna...

Now for some random stuff that I have lying round the house, I wonder what we will find?
My sweetie jar, my pucca clock and my cow!

Goth Panda... he keeps my pizza money in his tummy

Newest relation to Goth Panda is Money Bunny... I only just got him from Lumo so he is still pretty hungry

Oh look there are some of my vinyl figurines...

I have a thing for boots... (I have another cupboard with more in too hehe)

But not as much of a thing as I have for bags...

Or Plushiesssssssssssss. The one on the left is Diego. Etchasketch sent him to me all the way from San Antonio. Aren't I spoilt

At least my plushies aren't reprobates like Cuddlefish's Octopus though hehe...

Some of the pics on my walls
You won't find anything mainstream here lol.
My Cornish Dragon hand drawn in Newquay when I lived there...

My Death Panda (not to be confused with Goth Panda) from talamia...

And one of my all time favourite artists Jasmine Becket-Griffith...

My awesome pewter dragon book ends... also from my time in Newquay in Cornwall. I went through a big dragon phase as you may have noticed.

My Badz Maru bass!! I don't care if it was made for little kids it awesome!! And I am small so it works great for me

My make-up case. Actually this possibly should have been put under the can't live without section. Yes I'm such a chick I know

And definitely another can't live without...TEA (Earl Grey is my favourite but I like most teas

And of course the best friends in the world... You guys make every day awesome and I love you all soooooooooo much!!


Ryan Sensei and Punkskunk (who are always trying to get me to play LOL )

And not forgetting my long lost but still very very beloved kindred spirits Lumo and Cuddlefish

Ohh and I almost forgot... My bunny hat
How cool is this? See I am going to take over the world

Love to you all

I thought that since you are getting to know me through my messages and blogs maybe I should give you a bit of insight into my every day life, where I live, things I love etc. Basically here is a sneak peak into my house.
The pics are not great but it gives you a bit of an idea

Here is my bookshelf, its definitely not big enough!

You may have spotted the box on top of the bookshelf, this is an Emergency Zombie Defence Station. No home should be without one! I got this from Xaosnyte, the first person I would run to in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Start planning your strategy now people. You know its going to happen eventually

This is my living room. Its way cool cause as you can see I have this big empty wall on the left. That's used for home cinema

We watch a lot of zombie movies...

Some of my favourite things I can't live without...
1. My bed... I'm a huge lover of sleep. I'm very very grumpy in the mornings

My cat Neji is also a huge fan of my bed...He is usually found stretched horizontally across it, while I am squished in a corner.

2. My bath....absolutely nothing better on a cold winter day mmmm.

3. My kids... well they might as well be, I love them that much. I will probably be known as a cat lady when I'm a bit older but fuckit, they are cool



and Luna...

Now for some random stuff that I have lying round the house, I wonder what we will find?

My sweetie jar, my pucca clock and my cow!

Goth Panda... he keeps my pizza money in his tummy

Newest relation to Goth Panda is Money Bunny... I only just got him from Lumo so he is still pretty hungry

Oh look there are some of my vinyl figurines...

I have a thing for boots... (I have another cupboard with more in too hehe)

But not as much of a thing as I have for bags...

Or Plushiesssssssssssss. The one on the left is Diego. Etchasketch sent him to me all the way from San Antonio. Aren't I spoilt

At least my plushies aren't reprobates like Cuddlefish's Octopus though hehe...

Some of the pics on my walls

My Cornish Dragon hand drawn in Newquay when I lived there...

My Death Panda (not to be confused with Goth Panda) from talamia...

And one of my all time favourite artists Jasmine Becket-Griffith...

My awesome pewter dragon book ends... also from my time in Newquay in Cornwall. I went through a big dragon phase as you may have noticed.

My Badz Maru bass!! I don't care if it was made for little kids it awesome!! And I am small so it works great for me

My make-up case. Actually this possibly should have been put under the can't live without section. Yes I'm such a chick I know

And definitely another can't live without...TEA (Earl Grey is my favourite but I like most teas

And of course the best friends in the world... You guys make every day awesome and I love you all soooooooooo much!!


Ryan Sensei and Punkskunk (who are always trying to get me to play LOL )

And not forgetting my long lost but still very very beloved kindred spirits Lumo and Cuddlefish

Ohh and I almost forgot... My bunny hat

How cool is this? See I am going to take over the world

Love to you all
hehe thankies sweets, I'm so excited that it's sick! I'm in the queue!