I am on a flight to southern Africa for an undisclosed amount of time. Sometimes all you want is a familiar voice. Lame update.
I hope everyone had a great (US) Thanksgiving. I just finished making 13 quarts of turkey stock, and several gallons of turkey rice stew.
I'm looking at getting into alpine touring/Randonee skiing. I just picked up some Dynastar Gaia boots on a wicked black friday discount, and was wondering if anyone has any advice on skis and bindings. I used to ski about 12 years
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I tried to reply to some messages in this new layout via phone. It is a little confusing, so if I sent you a weird message. Sorry, let me know!
I heard my post office has been a pain. They were understaffed for a while, but should be better now:
PO Box 12315
Sorry about anything that was returned to sender! I...
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Instagram: rouxtonne
Chillin' at NAHBS this weekend. Anyone there?
I saw northern lights for the first time. Not the most spectacular showings, but some faint green and peach colors were enough to keep me standing outside...
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I hope to see the northern lights some day.
Having good sleep makes a big difference in life!

I have never watched Breaking Bad, truth be told...but your link is pretty funny regardless of that!
Everyone has boobs. Check 'em.
belle, how ya doin?
What is that thing made off? Man there is a lot of things I could buy with 2 grand!
Haha nice, I guess a lot of guys and girls got a good show!
Im glad you are feeling better.