Are you ready for yet another EPIC FUCKING BLOG?!?!?!
(Seriously, this one is reeeally effin' long. Get comfy.)
Sooo much to write about happening lately in my crazy little life. I think I'll start backwards.
This past weekend I worked the SG booth at the Wizard World Comicon with Friskey, Malice, Vesta, Agy, Smythe and Sliver (not "Silver").
Here's a very prized polaroid of us with Costas Mandylor from the SAW movies, at the convention:
Vesta shit a brick when he came by and I just sat there wondering who the hell he was lol.
Once she and Friskey informed me I recognized him. He turned out to be super nice and even came back to visit the next day. (Much to Friskey's enjoyment! )
It was hella fun hanging out with all the ladies and chattin with convention-goers. The guys working the booth across from us were awesome and kept us entertained when things were slow
For the Metalacalypse fans out there, here's a pic of a special toy one of the guys gave me Saturday:
It's Dr. Rockso the Rock and Roll Clown!!! Cocaaaine!!
I've been wearing my hair teased and super big lately, (just like it is in my new set) and so far I've been told it makes me resemble the following:
Russell Brand
Robert James Smith
and Edward Scissorhands.
...all pretty yummy boys, so I'm not complaining!
2 weeks ago my lover Ginty fiiinally got home from tour!!! I missed him so terribley, and seeing him for the first time in a month and a half was such an unbelievably incredible moment, and reminded us both just how much we love one another.
While he was touring, his band (the creepshow) took part in the Soundwave Festival in Australia, and just happened to share the main stage in front of thousands of people with my most favoritest band in the entire world, Placebo. (*pause to hear nymph's mind quitely being blown)
Not only did he play on the same stage as musicians I have loved, idolized and swooned over for the last decade, but he actually talked to them.... about ME!!! He told them how they are his girlfriends favorite band, and *get this* he managed to score me some of their guitar pics, the sticks the drummer used for sound check, their set lists, and even got them to sign a poster for me!!! Eeeee!!!
this is my most favorite song by my most favorite band, and I have the title tattooed below my breasts.
one of their guitar pics.
He also brought me back a stuffed kasuari from the Sydney Zoo. I named him "Kazoo"
I'm so happy to have him back
He and I took a roadtrip to Montreal last week for a couple modelling gigs (me, not him) and a bit of a mini vacation. It was wonderful to spend so much time with him after having him gone for so long.
Timmy's is a MUST for long car rides!
This is Eco-Zomb and Fredrique. They took the trip with us, and bobbed to the car stereo the whole ride
I had a shoot in Kingston on the long trip home between Montreal and Ajax. I was sooo hungry after the shoot so we got Harveys bugers (veggie for me) and onion rings, and drove across the street to the MacDonalds for fries. So greasey. So gross. So delicious.
(I drove about 90% of the trip, because it makes me anxious when other people drive my car, but I could only take pics while he was in the driver's seat.)
On St. Patricks day we went to a bar Ginty's band has played at a number of time called Les Foufounes lectriques in Montreal. They had a bunch of record cover images on their tables, and we found the one of his band!!!
Who here can boast that their boyfriend's face is printed on a bar table?!
Other than one night in a sweet little hotel, we couch-crashed our way through the week with various awesome friends.
One place we stayed was Ginty's friends' place, which was by a street with my last name!!! (my name is super French... just like my family.) I got so excited but totally forgot to get a picture with the street sign
These friends of his had 2 cats and one of them was in heat and was completely wigging out the entire time. She was sooo loud and wouldn't stop pointing her pussy at us. (Pun TOTALLY intended.)
The second last night we stayed with the adorable Atlea and helped celebrate her now belated birfday.
We drank and munched on vegan goodies, watched movies and took part in general tom-foolery.
At one point I sent my wonderful boyfriend out to get me a pack of smokes (I bribed him with poutine), at which time Atlea and I decided to pop in the pussycat dolls workout dvd and take part in some sexy cardio. We were giggling like mad, but it was actually a pretty decent work out!
When Ginty finally returned he had the expected poutine take-out under his arm, and a pack of smokes for me, but unfortunetely the type I smoke (Belmonte king sizes) isn't nearly as popular in Quebec, so he just got the only Belmontes they had, which turned out to be the most RIDICULOUS sissy little bitch sticks. Atlea and I found them hilarious and obsurd.
Ginty enjoying his poutine. (One of the MANY he ate while in French-Canada)
For those of you south of our boarder and beyond, "poutine" is a French Canadian dish of french fries, cheese curds and gravy. It's cardiac-arrestingly greasey and non-vegan Canadians LOVE that shit.
The following night we stayed with the smoysty miss Shazzy, and went out for a little bowling and drinkin' with SGMLT. It was great meeting some of the Quebec ladies and Ginty and I had a blast, despite our less than awesome bowling skills.
I had a wonderful night chatting and catching up with Shazzy and enjoyed hanging out with her monster of a cat, Bailey.
All in all, it was a great trip with some really good times
Okay, hmmm... what else?
...this is taking forever to write. I'm gunna take a munchies break and get back.
*feel free to do the same.
Okay, BACK.
So 2 weeks ago I took the long and beautiful roadtrip with Renna and MattA to KILLumbus, Ohio for the huge-ass SG dvd release party. It was UH-MAY-ZING.
Since Renna and I are vegans and MattA is vegetarian I made a crapload of vegetable pasta salad for the 6 hour ride so we didn;t have to survive off fast food french fries.
MattA feeding his lovely wife while she drives their new car. (awww!!!)
I met so many people at the party that I'd been itching to meet, and had such an amazing time.
I'm sure most of you have seen countless photod of the weekend already, so I'll 'spoilers' this for ya.
I met miss Doctor at the party. She's such a fox.
While in Ohio, Renna, MattA and I stayed at Sunshine, Frolic and Havana's, along with Radeo, Phecda, her finace and her buddy, and Warning.
Frolic and I are ballin'. (obvi.)
Saturday all the girls chilled at AlissaBrunelli and Sunshine's new studio Powder Puff Pinups. Got to see some awesome girls do some awesome shoots and play with Alissa's new little raggamuffin Naboo!!!
way too cute.
I got to shoot with AlissaBrunelli, and my new set slick is in review now!
Lainey did my makeup, which I absolutely love (and wish I could recreate) and the newly pink Parish helped grease me up (there's a video of this that Alissa took... I tried 3 times to upload it before giving up. *le sigh*)
Anywho, take a gander and leave me some love!
(*pssst: here's a couple other sets in review you should check out!)
Gander. tee hee hee...
me and miss Radeo at the studio. She's a total sweetheart and really down to earth. I'm glad I got to meet her
Archie gettin all dolled up for her shoot
Monroe doing some crazy-ass posing while the girls play her sexy entourage
Naboo fell asleep curled up in the nook of Frolic's legs. d'awww!!!
After a day of shooting, Frolic, Renna, MattA, Warning and I went to a place called Dirty Franks and had an aaawesome dinner.
On the way home we went to a convenience store to get some drinks (which TOTALLY blew my mind, since in Ontario we can only buy alcohol at specific stores that sell ONLY that) and there was a kitty curled up on some snacks on one of the bottom shelves!
Parting was such sweet sorrow the next day, but hopefully I'll be able to go back for Hell City in May!
Speaking of parting, I think this blogy-blog is about DONE. I don;t know when I started it, but it's after 3am now, and I'm getting tattooed tomorrow, so I better hit the sack.
Hope you all are fine and dandy out there in SGland
love love love