There's been a lot of talk on the internets about SuicideGirls being banned from Comic-Con and I wanted to clarify some things and publicly ask for a clarification from Comic-Con.
For the last 4 years we have been sharing booths with partners at Comic-Con and manning our own booths at Wondercon. We love all these conventions and have a great time at them every year signing books and taking photos with our fans.

After our appearance at Wondercon we were told by a Comic-Con employee that we were banned from Comic-Con because a board member saw an underage person being handed a dvd. This is against our policies which are to card anyone under 30. Our own head of operations was at the booth, and personally instructed the girls on our policies. We also have a sign up at all conventions saying that you must be 18+ with ID to purchase. We just don't believe this happened.
So we asked Comic-Con if we could discuss the issue with them and understand how this could have happened. But they didn't return any of our calls and then when we tweeted about it and it got picked up by the press, they told the press that we weren't banned, it was just an issue of them not having any boothspace for us.
So were we banned or not? We honestly didn't know.
So next we decided to talk to our previous booth mates and see if we could share their booth with them again this year. Surely if Comic-con was telling reporters we weren't banned then there wouldn't be any problems. They explained they were told by Comic-Con that if any
SuicideGirls were at their booth selling and signing SuicideGirls products, they would be escorted from the floor and they would lose their booth.
One of our previous partners told us the Comic-Con people were IRATE about the whole thing. Word on the street is that because of the fact that the location of Comic-Con 2012 is up in the air the entire city of San Diego is bending over backwards and kissing their ass. So perhaps they don't have time to clear this up, for a little website.
We understand the Comic-Con people can decide to ban us because we don't fit their new Dinseyfied big movie money vision for Comic-Con. We think comic culture has always been rooted in outsiders and artists and weirdos and geeks and the people we at SuicideGirls feel are our
folks. But if we're being banned in pursuit of million dollar movie marketing budgets can they publicly acknowledge it at least?
If they want to say they've banned us, we'll stay home. But if they won't admit they've banned us, then we'd like to still be at Comic-Con. The hotel rooms and travel have already been reserved and paid for for over 40 SuicideGirls to come to San Diego from all over the world. Sure the girls could just go to some parties, but we'd really like them to have a home base booth so people could get their pictures taken with the girls.
So we're asking the Comic-Con community for help. If you have a booth at Comic-Con and would like to have SuicideGirls signing and taking pictures at it, and you are not afraid of losing your booth to the secret Comic-Con ban, please email me right away.
We draw quite a crowd and would love to share that attention with your art or comics.

PS We hope if Comic-Con intends to escort out the girls they will let
us know ahead of time. Also we'd love to have lunch with anyone from
Comic-Con in San Diego and try to clear this up. We know we aren't as
important as the Mayor of San Diego or the head of marketing for
Marvel but we love comics and would love to be a part of your show.
PPS To everyone on the internet who has been coming to our defense and
retweeting about this, thank you so much! Your support has really made
us determined to find a way to have a presence at Comic-Con this year.
For those of you who have said we just care about the bottom line,
same as Comic-Con, we pledge 100% of the profits from whatever we sell
this year at Comic-Con to our friends at the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.
For the last 4 years we have been sharing booths with partners at Comic-Con and manning our own booths at Wondercon. We love all these conventions and have a great time at them every year signing books and taking photos with our fans.

After our appearance at Wondercon we were told by a Comic-Con employee that we were banned from Comic-Con because a board member saw an underage person being handed a dvd. This is against our policies which are to card anyone under 30. Our own head of operations was at the booth, and personally instructed the girls on our policies. We also have a sign up at all conventions saying that you must be 18+ with ID to purchase. We just don't believe this happened.
So we asked Comic-Con if we could discuss the issue with them and understand how this could have happened. But they didn't return any of our calls and then when we tweeted about it and it got picked up by the press, they told the press that we weren't banned, it was just an issue of them not having any boothspace for us.
So were we banned or not? We honestly didn't know.
So next we decided to talk to our previous booth mates and see if we could share their booth with them again this year. Surely if Comic-con was telling reporters we weren't banned then there wouldn't be any problems. They explained they were told by Comic-Con that if any
SuicideGirls were at their booth selling and signing SuicideGirls products, they would be escorted from the floor and they would lose their booth.
One of our previous partners told us the Comic-Con people were IRATE about the whole thing. Word on the street is that because of the fact that the location of Comic-Con 2012 is up in the air the entire city of San Diego is bending over backwards and kissing their ass. So perhaps they don't have time to clear this up, for a little website.
We understand the Comic-Con people can decide to ban us because we don't fit their new Dinseyfied big movie money vision for Comic-Con. We think comic culture has always been rooted in outsiders and artists and weirdos and geeks and the people we at SuicideGirls feel are our
folks. But if we're being banned in pursuit of million dollar movie marketing budgets can they publicly acknowledge it at least?
If they want to say they've banned us, we'll stay home. But if they won't admit they've banned us, then we'd like to still be at Comic-Con. The hotel rooms and travel have already been reserved and paid for for over 40 SuicideGirls to come to San Diego from all over the world. Sure the girls could just go to some parties, but we'd really like them to have a home base booth so people could get their pictures taken with the girls.
So we're asking the Comic-Con community for help. If you have a booth at Comic-Con and would like to have SuicideGirls signing and taking pictures at it, and you are not afraid of losing your booth to the secret Comic-Con ban, please email me right away.
We draw quite a crowd and would love to share that attention with your art or comics.

PS We hope if Comic-Con intends to escort out the girls they will let
us know ahead of time. Also we'd love to have lunch with anyone from
Comic-Con in San Diego and try to clear this up. We know we aren't as
important as the Mayor of San Diego or the head of marketing for
Marvel but we love comics and would love to be a part of your show.
PPS To everyone on the internet who has been coming to our defense and
retweeting about this, thank you so much! Your support has really made
us determined to find a way to have a presence at Comic-Con this year.
For those of you who have said we just care about the bottom line,
same as Comic-Con, we pledge 100% of the profits from whatever we sell
this year at Comic-Con to our friends at the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.
hi missy just wanted to say your a genious for bringing all theese amazingly beautiful women together to make such a great art form!!!
Comic con will never come out and say they banned you, it's a part of their business model to keep up an image and admission of the truth will hurt their attendance however sideswiping the issue will not.