Okay, will someone give me both sides of the Obama firing inspector Walpin story?
From what I heard this inspector had investigated the mayor of Sacramento from when he was a leader in americore for misusing funding. He found him guilty of misusing funds in such ways as paying for personal services. The inspector then gave public comments on his findings. He was just ask...
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From what I heard this inspector had investigated the mayor of Sacramento from when he was a leader in americore for misusing funding. He found him guilty of misusing funds in such ways as paying for personal services. The inspector then gave public comments on his findings. He was just ask...
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roooooooock lobster. ROCK LOBSTER!!!
Random question to anyone who cares to answer. When birds are circling around forming their own sort of bird tornado, what are they doing? Resting? Regrouping? Planning to attack someones car?
No, really, I have no clue. PLEASE TELL ME!!!!!!
Random question to anyone who cares to answer. When birds are circling around forming their own sort of bird tornado, what are they doing? Resting? Regrouping? Planning to attack someones car?
No, really, I have no clue. PLEASE TELL ME!!!!!!
no idea about the birds, but you can come over any time you want. It would be cool to have someone to mess around on the pole with.
they are riding thermals to gain altitude
Kali!!!! yay!
how have you been?
how have you been?
happy birthday.
Hey lady. I'm doing well...moving to New York soon!
I'm insanely excited and nervous but mostly thrilled. How's everything in Athens? It sounds like the job opportunities are limited, to put it kindly. How's the pharm thing going?

hope to see a new set sometime, your first one is in my top five of favorite sets.
Woot. I have some time off school for the first time in years (granted I have to go back in June, but I will neglect to remember that when I'm killing off brain cells this month).
So here's the abridged update for teh homies:
-I move on Sunday, so I've been busy packing. One never realizes how much pointless shit they own until they have...
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So here's the abridged update for teh homies:
-I move on Sunday, so I've been busy packing. One never realizes how much pointless shit they own until they have...
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I actually have a friend that moved there a few years ago. Her name is AnnMarie. Do you get to Savannah much? Any recommendations? With the anthropology did you get a chance to do an internship type thing? I had some great professors who had lived on relatively primitive native american reservations. They had very interesting stories to tell. Although it wasn't my official minor, I took somewhere between 6-8 classes in it. What do you do for a living, since you mentioned the degree hasn't helped much? Anything similar?
Miss you, chica! What's your school situation? You enjoying it?
Between social drama bullshit and school, I've found myself lost in the mix. i guess it's just an interesting time of beginning and trying to forget again. In the past few weeks I've grown distant from everyone I've known and am starting to build back up again, so you may not hear from me again for a while. I find out in a week or...
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Yes! One year closer to menopause... I can't wait.
On a serious note though, I feel like today has the potential to be a really good day if I let it. Things have been going fairly well lately and I'm pretty content with the people I surround myself with. Tonight we are going to have the biggest bonfire ever with drunken zombies... because really, what...
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On a serious note though, I feel like today has the potential to be a really good day if I let it. Things have been going fairly well lately and I'm pretty content with the people I surround myself with. Tonight we are going to have the biggest bonfire ever with drunken zombies... because really, what...
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Happy Birthday!! 

Happy Birthday! Sorry I couldn't make it to the party, I work ALL day on Saturday, it sucks but I like paying bills. Also, it was good seeing you the other day on campus, sorry I couldn't stop I was going to class. Anyway, I should really be reading for class now, so I'll talk to you later.
Just to let everyone know who is interested, there will be a lunar eclipse on the 20th. If you want a schedule of what's going on when in your area, just hit up this NASA website and click on your timezone!
lunar eclipse sched.
Everything is going pretty well over here. Here;s a blake poem to make your day!
The Nature of Infinity
The nature...
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lunar eclipse sched.
Everything is going pretty well over here. Here;s a blake poem to make your day!
The Nature of Infinity
The nature...
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I'm trying to get into the English Lit. program because I am awesome and totally want to spend five to seven years becoming qualified for a job that will pay about what I used to make with my B.A.
As for schools, it's UGA or nothing. The girl is keeping me in food and shelter, and her job is just close enough to Athens for us to live here. If I wanted to go anywhere else, she'd have to find a new job, and that would be difficult for a number of reasons related to the qualifications to teach high school and the way they vary from state to state.
If grad. school doesn't work out, I guess I can always go back to the cubicle farm. I could also sign on to a Japanese whaler and take up scrimshaw. I'm keeping my options open.
Anyway, I hope your own school endeavors are treating you well.
As for schools, it's UGA or nothing. The girl is keeping me in food and shelter, and her job is just close enough to Athens for us to live here. If I wanted to go anywhere else, she'd have to find a new job, and that would be difficult for a number of reasons related to the qualifications to teach high school and the way they vary from state to state.
If grad. school doesn't work out, I guess I can always go back to the cubicle farm. I could also sign on to a Japanese whaler and take up scrimshaw. I'm keeping my options open.
Anyway, I hope your own school endeavors are treating you well.
Happy Birthday!
I hope there will be cake.
I hope there will be cake.
New poll:
Emotion investment and sex!
So I have found lately that I really enjoy sex with one night stands or people that I have been with for a while and am really comfortable with. However, the 'getting to know you' sex with people that I'm starting to be really interested in can sometimes be very awkward (but still enjoyable).
What are your thoughts on...
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Emotion investment and sex!
So I have found lately that I really enjoy sex with one night stands or people that I have been with for a while and am really comfortable with. However, the 'getting to know you' sex with people that I'm starting to be really interested in can sometimes be very awkward (but still enjoyable).
What are your thoughts on...
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um never been a fan of the 1-nighter.. i came close but never could go through with it..but the 'sex play' was awesome..but still something wont let me go further ...
idk im lame i guess
btw its good to see ur still around and breathing .. hope all is even better..
idk im lame i guess
btw its good to see ur still around and breathing .. hope all is even better..
It is that middle ground that's kind of tricky. One night stands are fun just cause it's all new and you can kind of just do your thing and what happens happens. Once you've been with someone a while though you get more comfortable, especially with broaching ideas and stuff that you might not with someone you don't trust. But between those two it's a bit weird sometimes. In my experience though it just gets better with each person the more you do it, cause after that first night of "ooh newness" wears off it takes a bit of calibration to get each other lined up with each other in terms of wants/desires. Okay, now that I've written a full paragraph that's enough.
Ok, so here I am. I finally had enough money to buy a computer! Wish I could say that a lot of interesting things have happened since I last talked to a lot of you, but it's really the same old stuff around here. Athens really doesn't change much to begin with, but it changes even less when you are a student here. Luckily I...
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hey stranger!
hope you have a great '08!
hope you have a great '08!
well, i was thinking of getting Hunter Thompson's Gonzo Fist/blade and a quote from Fear & Loathing in Vegas above and below: Too Weird To Live Too Rare To Die
not entirely original, i admit, but it has significance for me. but i don't know where to put it, as i'm a pretty skinny dude, with other tats planned, a mostly blank canvas, and who also happens to do a bit of acting now and then. and being paid to do it for a living would be nice. so, i'm thinking probably not the neck.
otherwise, i'm thinking of a quote from Federico Garcia Lorca: Yo tengo un fuego en mis manos.
if you don't know spanish, it means: i have a fire in my hands.
want that on my wrists, possibly in white.
we'll see what i can do, i'm sure i'll post it.
not entirely original, i admit, but it has significance for me. but i don't know where to put it, as i'm a pretty skinny dude, with other tats planned, a mostly blank canvas, and who also happens to do a bit of acting now and then. and being paid to do it for a living would be nice. so, i'm thinking probably not the neck.
otherwise, i'm thinking of a quote from Federico Garcia Lorca: Yo tengo un fuego en mis manos.
if you don't know spanish, it means: i have a fire in my hands.
want that on my wrists, possibly in white.
we'll see what i can do, i'm sure i'll post it.

I really miss owning a computer and just now realized that I hasn't updated this since August. I'm going to try and make an effort to get a computer soon. Hopefully I will talk to all you guys pretty soon.
Keep me updated on what you have been up to. Leave me a comment telling me all the juicy details!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep me updated on what you have been up to. Leave me a comment telling me all the juicy details!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice thing to hear from u!!
doing nothing more than trying to live!!!
and finishing Grad!
hope you're having fun!! Kisses!!!
doing nothing more than trying to live!!!
and finishing Grad!
hope you're having fun!! Kisses!!!
I find it entirely unacceptable that I haven't seen you in over a year.
Wowzers... time flies when you have no life.
I hadn't realized how long it's been since I've logged on. Throughout the process of school, work, moving, and my computer breaking I haven't really had a lot of time nor was I able to get on the internet (s) (s optional depending on your mindset and sarcasm level).
Well, update is that I've been working more...
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I hadn't realized how long it's been since I've logged on. Throughout the process of school, work, moving, and my computer breaking I haven't really had a lot of time nor was I able to get on the internet (s) (s optional depending on your mindset and sarcasm level).
Well, update is that I've been working more...
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well its def to hear ur still around... wish the best wtih classes et al... give us hollar when u get free time.
uh.. GOOD LUCK then!! ^^
things crashing are a real suck.. =/ I've just experienced it.. heh
but hope you can get what you need soon!!
things crashing are a real suck.. =/ I've just experienced it.. heh
but hope you can get what you need soon!!
on the left there isn't a lot. i did find a lot of criticism of obama by the left, but this doesn't seem to be an issue for them. s good left wing article:
it can be hard so sort through the crap. i find that if you check some right wing sites they are more full of unbacked opinions, like fox, and they don't complain much about there own guys. check some left wing sites, like huffington, they tend to be more factual and will not hesitate to go after thier own people. more reliable source in my opinion. hope that helps.