I'm sure you can finish it in the time limit. I know a very successful curator of life sciences that finished his PhD thesis in 8 weeks.
Did you get your fanny pack on sale at the Gap?
You'd think that the students would identify more strongly with the material, but it seems to be an uphill battle sometimes. One would hope they'd identify with the penis or the clitoris. It was pretty funny how many people asked what the clitoris was for, so we had to come up with an official sounding 'purpose'...
The pictures were great. Thanks for sending them. Your friend is in amazing shape.
So...now what? I bet you hate that question...
I'd love to see some photos. I think you have my email address?
Did you get your fanny pack on sale at the Gap?
You'd think that the students would identify more strongly with the material, but it seems to be an uphill battle sometimes. One would hope they'd identify with the penis or the clitoris. It was pretty funny how many people asked what the clitoris was for, so we had to come up with an official sounding 'purpose'...
The pictures were great. Thanks for sending them. Your friend is in amazing shape.