I'm not dead, but I'm not alive either.

It's been a tough year at work and an even tougher year at home, dealing with health issues. I don't know how else to explain my long leave of absence from all things human.

Very soon I will be in Los Angeles for an extended weekend. Hopefully it will help me to clear my head.

Went to City Club last night for John's birthday. I danced a little and I actually had a cocktail, but mostly it was boring water for me. It was fun, but it wasn't fun enough to taunt the hypoglycemia gods.

It's my last day of vacation before I have to go back to work and I think I will spend it playing video games all...
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I got the new Suicide Girls DVD this week and it convinced me that I need to shoot another set. I'm always mulling it over, but in the end a couple factors usually prevent me from doing such.

Factor #1 = Time. It's hard for me to put aside even a couple hours to shoot a set, not to mention the couple hours neccessary to...
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I should be writing right now since I push myself to do one article a week for Nerd-News.com, but I can't think of anything worth writing about. I've been surfing the web for about an hour and I still have recieved no inspiration.

In a couple hours my desktop will be out of commission as it's getting an upgrade and if I want to write...
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which mental disorder did you find the most interesting that evening?? I believe i got myself the dove chocolate truffles this year...biggrinbiggrin
I liked the story about the sex addict who would get up in the middle of a session to go masturbate. Sounds counter-productive to the therapy, but what do I know?
I think it's been at least a year since I've been on here, so thanks to the masked stranger who renewed my account. Not sure if I'm going to shoot another set yet, but we shall see.

In other news, my hair is really long now so which feels strange because I haven't had long hair in ten years. My job has gotten more unpleasant...
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I just haven't had the energy to post lately. I've posted a bit in my Livejournal though so if you really want to read up on stuff, you can hit me up there I suppose. tongue

Cradleofslaves is the name. Don't ask. Long story. Anyways, if you're on there I can add you on there as well.
Well, I'm leaving tomorrow morning for Los Angeles again. I'll unfortunately be back on the 17th, but every time I go out there, I think about moving more seriously. The winter is definitely not helping me with that. I think that if I could, I would just stay there and not come back. I guess I kind of need to establish some sort of income...
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Since it's the Christmas season and I work retail (9th holiday season at the book store), I just want to vent a few things that I really hate from customers. (It's was an incredibly long night and it made me more cranky than usual.)

1. I have to greet you when you come into an area of the store where I am at. It is...
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Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

I'm not really into the holidays so much, but since most everyone else is, I figured that I should try to spread the joy around.
I'm not into it either but we can both try happy T-day
Fucking Awful. That's what I have to say about the past week.

We took the dog in for some more tests yesterday and found out that he has advanced heartworms. They said that he had them before we ever took him home from the Humane Society and it was just too early at that time to show up in the tests that they did. He's...
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I am sorry. I had to put a puppy down that had distemper that she got from the pound. I feel you pain frown