I've been a bit under the weather. Problems with my blood sugar and headaches. Today I had a bit of a fever. I'm hoping that I'm fighting something off and that it won't take hold. I don't really want to miss too much work. I had to go home early a little bit, but I managed to tough it out for most of the past...
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I think I need some sort of pick-me-up. It's been a really long and difficult week at work not to mention things have been a bit tiring around the house.

I'm pretty sure the dog peed in his sleep last night which adds to the awesomeness of my week. I didn't even know that dogs could do that unless they were old an incontinent. Luckily...
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I cut up the old set. It got a complete overhaul. I've got my ideas for a new set, but until the scar on my leg from the burn heals up a bit more I'm feeling too self-conscious to take another set. The cut, and polished version of my old stuff is pending review though so any votes of confidence would be appreciated.

In other...
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I think I'm going to cook Korean tonight. I've got to go to the grocery store for a few things, but it seems like a good way to spend my day off. I also want to stop by the craft store, but we'll see if I'm too tired after grocery shopping.

I had to leave work early yesterday because I have a pinched nerve. Every...
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So it was decided yesterday that we would go see one of my co-workers play a concert in Saginaw tonight. He plays guitar and such and is pretty good.

Unfortunately my roommate has decided to be a total tool and back out at the last minute. frown This completely sucks since driving an hour with only two people in the care is sort of lame. Apparently...
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It's that poop time of year when winter is clinging on and spring is still too sleepy to show itself. We're stuck here in Michigan's weather limbo and it's affecting everyone around.

It's hard to be upbeat and positive when you feel so drained just looking out the window. Work is slow for most people and everyone is worried about the economy. I want to...
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It's zombie Jesus day and I don't really know what to do. They're having family dinner and crazy grandma's, but no one except my sister is actually Christian. Everyone else is pagan except for crazy grandma who really doesn't hold religious beliefs. They will still insist on praying though which is silly. They will also serve lamb and ham which John and I do not...
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Okay, if getting rear-ended on Monday wasn't enough badness for the week, yesterday I had to go to the emergency clinic from work because I got a chemical burn on my leg. It's not just on my leg though....It's on my upper thigh, right under my butt. I can't see it very well, only part of it so my best friend at work had to...
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I got to go to Sephora today. It made me super happy. The nearest one is like an hour away and a couple girls from work invited me to go with them. I bought some Too Faced lip gloss and Go Smile toothpaste. I wanted to buy more, but there's a crochet book that I really want. Decisions Decisions....

Garlic Chicken from the chinese restaurant...
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Where did you go to Sephora? If you made it all the way down to 12 oaks, you could have talked to LittleGirlGod, if you were just to Summerset, then you could swing by the Apple store and say "Hi" to Liadan.

I hope you got some good stuph, that store can be addicting.
I went to the one in Summerset. The last time I went to the one in 12 Oaks I didn't like it as much, though I do like the fact that they have a Delia's store down there.
Everyone told me that we were supposed to get a rediculous amount of snow today. I had planned on calling off work if this happened and since I have tomorrow off, it would be like a little weekend. Unfortunately I woke up and there is not inches upon inches of snow as promised. There is barely a dusting. I guess this comes with the territory,...
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I got my new computer monitor today. 24 inch widescreen. It is one of the most awesome things ever. I just sit and stare at it not knowing what to do because everything I pull up on it looks so great. I want to take a shit-ton of new pictures and play video games for like three days straight. Too bad I have to go...
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