It's grocery day and so the house is now filled with food goodness. I'm just getting ready to make some steamed mussels and fried rice for dinner. It was a pretty busy day so it will be good to just sit down and eat.
After grocery shopping, we picked up my four year old nephew and took him to the museum. The exhibit right now...
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After grocery shopping, we picked up my four year old nephew and took him to the museum. The exhibit right now...
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My allergies started to bother me two days ago and yesterday they went into full effect. I didn't even want to move, I just laid there with a box of tissues. I was so drained in every sense of the word that I even went to bed at ten. Then I slept in until nine since I didn't have to work this morning. Eleven hours...
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Well, I wanted to shoot a couple new pictures tonight, but instead I have a huge zit on my chin
Maybe I'll just film a set of the zit posing or something. That would be something new and different I suppose. It would definitely be gross if not anything else.
I want my sister to do something with my hair, but the last couple times...
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Maybe I'll just film a set of the zit posing or something. That would be something new and different I suppose. It would definitely be gross if not anything else.
I want my sister to do something with my hair, but the last couple times...
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Zophael said:
It's hard to find a man who buys vinyl pants in the right size.
And the best part about vinyl, it repels liquid of any kind... any kind.
You ever have those days at work where you just keep getting really stupid questions over and over again? It was like that today and I was pretty sure that my head was going to explode if I got one more dumb question before it was time to punch out.
Where is the nonfiction section?
Maybe this is only a stupid question to people working...
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Where is the nonfiction section?
Maybe this is only a stupid question to people working...
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Sounds like your stupid work question is like where I get people asking if we have kayaks and you can see them standing up in the racks pretty much throughout my department if they bother to open their eyes! lol
Retail is so fun.... and childish!!
Retail is so fun.... and childish!!
Okay, I'm feeling way better than yesterday. No more pity party for me. They told me they appreciate me at work today and I've spent a lot of time relaxing and contemplating, both of which have gotten me most of the way out of my funk that I was feeling.
John went down to his friends' house a couple hours away to help them move...
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John went down to his friends' house a couple hours away to help them move...
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Work kind of got me down today. It was really slow and everyone was complaining. I'm the kind of person who tries to stay extremely upbeat and positive for everyone else around me just to try and make their day a little bit better, but it was really getting hard by the end of my shift. It really wears on you when you're trying to...
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No very SG like? Phfft whatever you are what you are and that is what it's about. 

But answer me this: WHY does everyone like the Smiths so damn much? I can't stand them...I really am curious, not trying to be a smart ass.
I second the motion about the Smiths. Not that into them.
I think Morrissey and the Smiths were early emo. For those of us willing to admit they are, well, sensitive guys, that makes Moz a big deal. You know, for those fun nights when you want to wallow in self-pity.
Tomorrow is my day off and I can't wait. I have a meeting at work later and I don't really have a lot of hope that it will be fun. I would much rather be out planting flowers or something.
I just got out of bed a few minutes ago and I'm still groggy. I got on the computer to check my mail and had...
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I just got out of bed a few minutes ago and I'm still groggy. I got on the computer to check my mail and had...
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*Raises hand*
I'm bored to a point... not fully yet
I'm bored to a point... not fully yet
You rock my socks doll!
Last night we went to Dan's show out in Saginasty (Saginaw for those of you who just don't know). It was super fun. He played a longer set than last time and got way more drunk. I actually had two drinks which is strange for me since I don't really drink anymore. He even brought his mandolin and played some Gin and Juice on it...
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Well, it's Thursday so it was the usual trip to the Farmer's Market. I bought meat and some buttermilk blue cheese as well as baklava and pita chips. As we were leaving Rick called and said he was leaving work and wanted to go so we went back home and waited for him so we could make a second trip.
He had to shower before...
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He had to shower before...
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Yesterday after work my massage therapist came over. Now, she's not actually licensed or anything yet, but she's Rick's ex-girlfriend and she needs to massage people for class credit. The massages are good and they're really helping my back out so I thought that I might as well help her out since we're both getting something beneficial from the deal.
She did scoliosis massage in...
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She did scoliosis massage in...
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The next day always has the potential to be better...
And, yes, Lloyd has about one facial expression. Cool.

And, yes, Lloyd has about one facial expression. Cool.
I slept so good last night that I didn't want to get out of bed. I was exhausted and I really wanted to go to sleep when I got home from work, but I stayed up so my sleep schedule wouldn't get all borked. I made it until about ten and then I could barely keep my eyes open anymore.
Usually I wake up a...
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Usually I wake up a...
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I like reeses hardcore and dream about them... *Looks around* Yeah...
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to post comments about my set, both positive and negative. I really appreciate the feedback and I can't wait to shoot the next set and use all that I have learned.
I just wanted to say that before I leave for work today.
I just wanted to say that before I leave for work today.

No problemo
Hey, i really want too thank you for commenting on some of my blogs. Sometimes i just ramble on and bunch up words, which ultimately, gets me more confused. I guess some words are better than none. Seems like i hear it all the time, "don't bottle up your emotions, let it all out".
anyway, thanks