Hello mother fuckers! 9 days down, 59 to go, 2 weeks down, 12 more to go. Well I had a little dance with a mental break down this week. I did 3 hell days in a row, basically me working both of my jobs, which at a minimum of 12 hours in a day, so no free time for me. I'm usually in a really pissed off mood and have to be in solitary confinment after one job, but 2 jobs gets to me. At least I'll be getting a fat pay cheack, and I get to look at hot women in minimal clothing. I saw a really hot girl in fish nets, and black hair with a little purple, at tattoos, fucking hot!
I'm geting a very bad sun tan, I hope people dont mistake me for a hippy, I hate being tan. I'm thinking seriousally about my new tattoo, I'm seriousally considering breaking down and getting dragon wings done on my back which will probably be done some time between fall and spring. I've wanted to do dragon wings since I did my first tattoo. I read and finished the Satanic Bible last weekend started War and Peace after that, I'm not as far as I'd like to be, fuckinbg work. I think I'll rent that mnovie about Charlie Manson and then read.
1) So whats new?
2) What bands have you been listening to lately?
3) Name an insane childhood fantasy you've had or still have?
my answers
1) some ass hole who tormented me in middle school is in prison, haha, thats karma for you jack ass.
2) I've been listening to a lot of Amon Amarth and Abigor lately
3) Having all of the people in my neighborhood disappear and I'm free to roam the streets, stay in their houses and do as I please.

1) So whats new?
2) What bands have you been listening to lately?
3) Name an insane childhood fantasy you've had or still have?
my answers
1) some ass hole who tormented me in middle school is in prison, haha, thats karma for you jack ass.

2) I've been listening to a lot of Amon Amarth and Abigor lately
3) Having all of the people in my neighborhood disappear and I'm free to roam the streets, stay in their houses and do as I please.
1) Been to this great festival with Entombed and Dimmu Borgir! Feel a bit low now though. Had a great time with my mates.
2) Immolation, <code>, taake, cannibal corpse, the red chord, primordial.
3) That you can afll in love without saying anything to each other and that youcan stay together like that for the rest of your lives (that's right without talking). I can be a hopeless romantic
2) Iron and Wine; Neko Case; The Clash; The Selecter; Magnolia Electric Co.
3) If I counted to 10 using my fingers three times then everyone I knew could see everything I could.