I'm going on my Hawaiian adventure in less tahn a week. I promise that I'll even take pictures, call it Zombie Vengence's Evil Hawaiian adventure . The only bad thing is that I'll have to put up with the folks on Joe's (my dad) side of the family. I'm surprised none of them have ever ended up on Springer. I've got one uncle that's almost 40 and he knocked up a relly nasty ass 18 year old girl,I think he divorced his wife before that but it's still scandleous in my book, he he and the 18 year old are suposedly married. I havent seen any one else on my dad's side of the family since my senior year of high school and I've changed a lot since then hehe. I visited Joe and the step family less than 3 years ago when I was still growing my hair out to dread it. He told me not to get it done in Hawaii, so he's never seen me with dreads, except in a picture with my sister we sent for x-mas over a year ago. He doenst know of the 2 other tattoos I added also hehe . Then Joe said that my step sister's friend saw taht pic of me and thought I was hot haw haw! But Joe wants me to get married to anything thats human and has a vagina and yet I dont even want a relationship My bullet belt still hasnt arrived It would be cool if I could take it to Hawaii LOL. Plus my friend Molly is moving back to Minnasota soon and will be going to school there oh well.
1) How shocking are you to your family?
2) What are you listening to at the moment?
3) Whats your most interesting family gathering moment?
my answers
1) I'm more shocking to my dad's side of the family. I used to be invisible and now look
2) Darkthrone: Quintessence
3) Probably seeing one of my younger cousions smoking and drinking at a reunion and hearing that their parents allow it, and an uncle puncking one of his kids. I hope I survive the weekend.
Update: I just got my bullet belt!
1) How shocking are you to your family?
2) What are you listening to at the moment?
3) Whats your most interesting family gathering moment?
my answers
1) I'm more shocking to my dad's side of the family. I used to be invisible and now look
2) Darkthrone: Quintessence
3) Probably seeing one of my younger cousions smoking and drinking at a reunion and hearing that their parents allow it, and an uncle puncking one of his kids. I hope I survive the weekend.
Update: I just got my bullet belt!
1)I'm not too shocking. They hate my music and my "freak" shirts, but I a good son otherwise.
2)Just got done watching Family Guy, but I was listening to Vaginal Jesus and BlackSStorm earlier.
3)Um, I don't know. It's been a long time since we've had one.
2) My Nas playlist.
3) I wouldnt know. I avoid family gatherings like the plague