Well well, I'm suposed to be typing a paper but I'm procrastinating. I'm going to work later today so I'll probably be bitching about it. Work a few days ago with little sleep was fun, and the next day I felt a lot better though. I got an A on my WWI history exam, and a lot of ppl did bad on it. Any ways back to work again, I gave an order to this couple, it was under the chick's name, and at the same time I was carrying out another order for some people at a table. So when I took the to go order out, I called the girl's name on the ticket, the girl came up with her bf, she refused to grab it, the bf makes a move to take the bag but hesitates. The girl says, "Well, arnt you going to take it!?" in a rather hasty and slightly bossy tone. The guy complies, you could tell this guy is whipped and there was tension. Ha! high maintance. I hope if I ever run into those (which is doubtful b/c they populated my old hs like cockroaches and avoided me like the pleague) that I have the strenght to say "Fuck off and do it your self!" and leave her. Thats why I love punk women soo much
1) What turns you off personality wise when it comes to the oppiset sex (or the same sex if you're into people of the same gender)
2) What is something you are generally better at than the average person?
3) You ask me something I'm too lazy for a 3rd question.
my answers
1) Besides high mainatance I also am turned off by girls who arn't very intelegent and close minded, total girly girls, boring, more quiet than me and are disrespectful in general, and girls that are flakes.
2) Probably writing espechailly when I apply my self.
3) Well?

1) What turns you off personality wise when it comes to the oppiset sex (or the same sex if you're into people of the same gender)
2) What is something you are generally better at than the average person?
3) You ask me something I'm too lazy for a 3rd question.
my answers
1) Besides high mainatance I also am turned off by girls who arn't very intelegent and close minded, total girly girls, boring, more quiet than me and are disrespectful in general, and girls that are flakes.
2) Probably writing espechailly when I apply my self.
3) Well?
Well if you want to make an army, you are going to need more then just skellton dudes. You are going to need artillery too. I will make you air ship and tanks made out of bone. Which will all have skull and be able to fight under there own accord. Yes, and your general will be called the head boner. Too awesome!
