Finally, some quality rest for little old me. I've been exhausted and could use a week off. Stt Patricks day was long for me, and I stayed tragically sober untill much later. I had 3 exams, one on the Northern Ireland Conflict rather ironic for this Irish American Holiday, and then worked the rest of the day. There were tons of people watching the basketball game because the team at school made it and people were all crowding television sets around the union and their eyes seemed to be glazing over, bringing new meaning to the word Idiot Box. It also reminded me of a word some Econ Prof I had invented a few years ago, MEGO, My Eyes Glaze Over. The team won and so that gave all the chaches in the university a livense to act like jack asses and scream, and most were probably drunk already because it was St. Patricks Day. I had an early birthday celebration at my mom and grandma's place. I had to get some nice clothes to wear in Hawaii next month for my dad's retirement ceremony, I really hate dressing up, I will bitch about it for hours and the clotehs will come off before I hit the changing room. I hope my dad doesnt give me shit about still being single. He was already seperated by the time he was my age LOL.
1) Why are you a member of SG or an SG?
2) Where do you see your self when youre say retirement age?
3) So hows life been treating ya this week?
my answers
1) Needed new masterbation material and yet now I probably go here more for chatting with ppl on a similar wave length LOL
2) Probably the crazy reclusive bachleor living in in seclusion either in the north woods in a cabin or else in the desert in a trailer home, I'd probably have a ton of books and cds and be writing a lot and I'd probably be packing a lot of fire power too.
3) It's been better now that I'm not in school this week.
1) Why are you a member of SG or an SG?
2) Where do you see your self when youre say retirement age?
3) So hows life been treating ya this week?
my answers
1) Needed new masterbation material and yet now I probably go here more for chatting with ppl on a similar wave length LOL
2) Probably the crazy reclusive bachleor living in in seclusion either in the north woods in a cabin or else in the desert in a trailer home, I'd probably have a ton of books and cds and be writing a lot and I'd probably be packing a lot of fire power too.
3) It's been better now that I'm not in school this week.
1) I came to come and stayed to chat.
2) On Sardinia diving, swimming a little and doing whatever I like.
3) Like Jesus in 'the passion of the christ', except for the weekend, which was more like Hunter S. Thompson.