I'm actually not brain dead after attending school this week. What wonders not watching tv does for your attention span, though I'm playing a lot of video games as of late. I finished Survivor today and Started reading Lords of Chaos again. I really liked Survivor with all the satyr and other commentaries imbedded in it. I might be going to hawaii in April for my father's retirement ceremony from the Navy along with every one else on my fahter's side of the family. They havent seen me since high school, and a lots changed since then. I remember my father and me used to not get along, I still cannot see him as a fiather figure any more for I felt betrayed and disconnected when my parents split. I see him more like a friend now, and we get along now. The only bad thing about this trip is that it's only for a few days in the middle of school. At least I get to freak him out with my dreads (he's only seen a pic of me in dreads) and my new ink for he hasnt seen my last 2 tattoos. Plus I heard that one of my step sister's friends thinks I'm hot. She'd probably be shocked and werided out once she meets me LOL
1) Name the last 5 books you read for your own enjoyment.
2) Do you shock your parents?
3) Is fate inevitable or is fate decided by your free will?
my answers
1) Survivor, The Plot Against America, The First Five, The History of the Pelepensian War, and Breakfast of Champions.
2) I used to shock my mom and grnadma but theyre used to it now, I do shock my fahter because we rarely see eachother. Hell I painted my nails black the last time I saw him for shock value LOL.
3) I'm more of a proponent of free will, because life would be boring if fate was decided for them.
1) Name the last 5 books you read for your own enjoyment.
2) Do you shock your parents?
3) Is fate inevitable or is fate decided by your free will?
my answers
1) Survivor, The Plot Against America, The First Five, The History of the Pelepensian War, and Breakfast of Champions.
2) I used to shock my mom and grnadma but theyre used to it now, I do shock my fahter because we rarely see eachother. Hell I painted my nails black the last time I saw him for shock value LOL.
3) I'm more of a proponent of free will, because life would be boring if fate was decided for them.
They're used to me now but yes I still freak em out in general
Free Willy