I just got back from Chicago, and Suffocation, Behemoth, Black Dhalia Murder and Cattle Decapation all put on a fucking sick ass show. Have you ever wanted to put some one that you dispise and hate soo much through a wood chipper? Well remember after you put the body through always run some pieces of wood after it to clean it out, the rental place wont like cleaning up the mess you left. Any ways on a more serious note, there were some young Nazi scum fucks fucking with some kids trying to hard core dance. I wanted to kick in the skulls of those Hitler Youths, if I did they would have had 10 of their friends kick my ass. I was hoping when they were moshing that one would slam into me so I could push them flat on their face, unfortunately it never happened. Nazis rank up there with christians for me. They were pathedic, trying to act all tough, with their Nazi iconography tattooed on them, yet too chicken shit to do a swastika. Hell I wonder if any of them knew that 2 of the members of Suffocation are black? Any wyas I almost got to meet Nergal from Behemoth, but couldent because some security guy was yelling at people to clear the stairwells. I'm going to the Morbid Angel show in Milwaukee next saturday, I'm looking forward to that one. Ewwwwwww! Whats with all this valentines bull shit on the site now LOL Well heres a song that always makes me Valentines day, oh yeah ladies dont get too offended LOL
Fucked With a Knide by Cannibal Corpse
No Escape From Your Fate
Destined To Be Mine
Every Night I Wait To See
In The Dark, Watching
Stalking Your Every Move
I Know When You're All Alone
All Alone
Tied Tight To The Bed
Legs Spread Open
Bruised Flesh, Lacerations
Skin Stained With Blood
I'm The Only One You Love
I Feel Her Heart Beating
My Knife Deep Inside
Her Crotch Is Bleeding
She Liked The Way It Felt Inside Her
Fucking Her Harder, Harder
She Liked The Way It Felt Inside Her
Fucking Her Harder, Harder
Stick It In
Rip The Skin
Carve And Twist
Torn Flesh
From Behind
I Cut Her Crotch
In Her Ass
I Stuck My Cock
Killing As I Cum
1) What do you dispise?
2) Whats the best show you've ever been to?
3) Whats the furthest you've ever travled
4) Bonous question but directed to those of you who are tattoo artists or aspiring tattoo artists or if you just feel like answering. Some kid comes in and asks you to tattoo a swastika or some other really fucked up symbol like that, what would you do?
my answers
1) Weakness, herd comformity, stupidity, lack of honor and diciplin, thats all I can think of for now.
2) Probably between the first time I saw Ministry, Satyricon and the last time I saw Cannibal Corpse, though the show tonight ranks up there.
3) Hawaii, it's almost like entering another country but with out a pass port
4) I'd probably refuse them
Fucked With a Knide by Cannibal Corpse
No Escape From Your Fate
Destined To Be Mine
Every Night I Wait To See
In The Dark, Watching
Stalking Your Every Move
I Know When You're All Alone
All Alone
Tied Tight To The Bed
Legs Spread Open
Bruised Flesh, Lacerations
Skin Stained With Blood
I'm The Only One You Love
I Feel Her Heart Beating
My Knife Deep Inside
Her Crotch Is Bleeding
She Liked The Way It Felt Inside Her
Fucking Her Harder, Harder
She Liked The Way It Felt Inside Her
Fucking Her Harder, Harder
Stick It In
Rip The Skin
Carve And Twist
Torn Flesh
From Behind
I Cut Her Crotch
In Her Ass
I Stuck My Cock
Killing As I Cum
1) What do you dispise?
2) Whats the best show you've ever been to?
3) Whats the furthest you've ever travled
4) Bonous question but directed to those of you who are tattoo artists or aspiring tattoo artists or if you just feel like answering. Some kid comes in and asks you to tattoo a swastika or some other really fucked up symbol like that, what would you do?
my answers
1) Weakness, herd comformity, stupidity, lack of honor and diciplin, thats all I can think of for now.
2) Probably between the first time I saw Ministry, Satyricon and the last time I saw Cannibal Corpse, though the show tonight ranks up there.
3) Hawaii, it's almost like entering another country but with out a pass port
4) I'd probably refuse them
i saw suffocation, and the rest, here in Frisco (behemoth was rather boring) it was a kickass show. Nazi punks. Nazi punks. Nazi punks. fuck off. Best death show so far. And the new drummer is awesome.
that's pretty cool of your dad. my dad ignores them and my mom just cries. ah well. they should've realized a long time ago that i wasn't going to be the daughter they'd always dreamed of.