Fuck I'm lacking energy today. I survived school today and then I went to work where my day went to hell. The manager in charge of the store was working tonight so no fun. Plus we had a meeting because some of the staff are a bunch of fuck ups and costing the rest of the store our bonouses for perfect scereate shopers ect... I start out the day by spilling some food on a guys pants on accident. My energy just went down the shitter the entire shift. The boss was yelling at everything for light weight mistakes. Some chaches came in and really fucked up their orders making things complicated, and then some lady tried helping me by taking food off the tray that was in my hand. The tray tripped and some Pasta Fresca hit my arm. At least they didnt freak out. Nights like this makes me wish I could bull shit my self to join the NRA. Oh yeah I'm styarting to really miss my old cat. I hope the guy my mom gave him to gets sick of my cat and gives him back, he's got a home in my apartment. At least I read a really funny article in the school news paper about "Tools". I tried looking for the article for you guys to read but I can't find it.
1) What do you wish you could bull shit your self into doing?
2) Hows your energy level?
3) Do you treat women as objects, drink cheap domestic beer, only laugh at a joke after looking around and seeing that everyone else is laughing, take your shirt off at a party when you see other people doing it, spend your $300 pay cheack at Ambercrombie or some other fucked up place like that, weare your Boston Red Sox hat backwards?
my answers
1) Be able to bull shit my way down a girls pants and then leave her, in being a stoner LOL
2) In the shitter
3) Unless I can pull off #1 absoutly No to all of them.
1) What do you wish you could bull shit your self into doing?
2) Hows your energy level?
3) Do you treat women as objects, drink cheap domestic beer, only laugh at a joke after looking around and seeing that everyone else is laughing, take your shirt off at a party when you see other people doing it, spend your $300 pay cheack at Ambercrombie or some other fucked up place like that, weare your Boston Red Sox hat backwards?
my answers
1) Be able to bull shit my way down a girls pants and then leave her, in being a stoner LOL
2) In the shitter
3) Unless I can pull off #1 absoutly No to all of them.
Haha, I sure do treat women as objects, drink cheap domestic beer, only laugh at a joke after looking around and seeing that everyone else is laughing, take your shirt off at a party when you see other people doing it, spend your $300 pay cheack at Ambercrombie or some other fucked up place like that, weare your Boston Red Sox hat backwards!

Thank you!