It's funny, this girl I had Spanish class with me last spring and seems to like me is in my History of the North Ireland Conflict class. The werid thing is this girl would probably be the last person in the world to find some one like me to be attractive. This girl is really into Britney Spears and Carson Daily, and would fit in with the girls I went to high school with (If you don't know I was virtually invisable to the female population back then). It was funny last spring, since I had a reputation as being the class alcaholic, she would be like "Hey Ted, I took a shot of wiskey last night and I woke up this morning on the bathroom floor" and "It now takes 4 shots of vodka to make me pass out" and would smile at me and try to get my atteniton ect, made it known that she was single ect... I'll probably have a good time listening to her trying to impress me hehe. Any ways I had a short day today, I had to return some books I grabbed for the wrong class and I got over $100 back. I might go out drinking tomorrow night with some folks from work too. Then I'm finally getting my tattoo done.
1) What are you listening to right now?
2) Any interesting crushes to tell about?
3) Tell me something interesting
my answers
1) Suffocation
2) I havent had a crush in almost 2 years and I've never been happier
Oh yeah and the only girl to show intrest in hs to me scares the shit out of me at the libary computer station. One of my friends askes if the computer next to me was taken, I said no, then the scary girl who had a crush on me shouts "NO ONE SITS NEXT TO MY TED!"
3) well? I heard that Valentines Day is a major break up day, ironic huh? LOL
1) What are you listening to right now?
2) Any interesting crushes to tell about?
3) Tell me something interesting
my answers
1) Suffocation
2) I havent had a crush in almost 2 years and I've never been happier

3) well? I heard that Valentines Day is a major break up day, ironic huh? LOL
1) The rain and the keys clicking as I type.
2) I'm still remembering Dr. Snaples calling me out about my crush on the punk girl that sat next to me. I always anxious whenever she wasn't on time or didn't show up at all, but one day she comes in late, looking pretty hot. Dr. Snaples looks at me and says out loud, "Are you happy now?!" I was flustered, so all I could stutter out was, "Naw, man, I'm straight." I didn't even bother to look in Amber's direction the rest of the class period. I saw her Monday morning on campus, though I didn't talk to her.
3) If you get radiated with enough search radar energy, it'll seriously make you sterile along with wicked bad stomach aches.