I came up with an odd theory a few days ago about why guys have wingmen when they're going to hit on girls, though you may already have figured this out by now. Men like to show off, to show that they are bigger than they really are. They feel more confident to hit on women when they have a friend to witness, hell I've seen this in my self before too. Any ways, I've been a slug as of late. I'm recovering from my teeth pulling. Only my lower right jaw still hurts, they had to stich that area up. I've been soo bored and restless the past few days that I need to get the fuck out of here. Then school starts next monday
. At least I'm getting my tattoo done saturday.
1) Are you an indoor person or an outdoor person?
2) Do you have any interesting theories?
3) Ask me a question, I'm too lazy for a third
my answers.
1) I'm more of an indoor person, but I hate being confined to one place for too long. The only time I'm really outdoors is to get from point A to point B
2) Asides from that in my journal, that the average american person is too lazy to care, as long as they are comfortable and it's not on the television every night. They only give to make it go away so they can get back to watching CSI
3) Well, ask away.

1) Are you an indoor person or an outdoor person?
2) Do you have any interesting theories?
3) Ask me a question, I'm too lazy for a third
my answers.
1) I'm more of an indoor person, but I hate being confined to one place for too long. The only time I'm really outdoors is to get from point A to point B
2) Asides from that in my journal, that the average american person is too lazy to care, as long as they are comfortable and it's not on the television every night. They only give to make it go away so they can get back to watching CSI
3) Well, ask away.
1) Lately I'm always inside. But I love being outside: any time of year. I don't think I prefer one over the other. I'm a "whatever mood I'm in" kinda guy I guess.
2) I have a theory that music is somehow a manifestation of, and proof of, string theory. I think someday we'll discover that the physical realm is just manifestations of harmony, frequency, oscillations, etc. And the scales and musical notes that we are able to coax out of instruments are just the most apparent of these manifestations.
Okay. I had to cut this short 'cause I was getting pressure to catch my ride:
3) Pie or cake?
[Edited on Jan 18, 2005 11:11PM]
2. I believe to a certain extent in the whole mind over matter "thng". I have a theroy that if you believe it hard enough, your brain can convince your body of anything. i.e. Curing disease, ignoring extreme temps, etc. Far-fetched? Maybe... But there have already been studies done on Buddhist monks who are supposedly capable of just such things. If this is true, coudn't we all be capable of it? That would be neat.
3. What the hell is a Chickpea???
By the by, Resident Evil 4 is for Gamecube, but I've heard rumors that it's going to be released on PS2 very shortly. So, keep an eye out!