All right a year end extravangaza! I had some of the most annoring ass holes come into work today. . There was one guy who when he talked had to shout at the end of his sentence, a lot of really confused guys came in. They made selecting dinner into a life of death struggle with all the intensity they put into it. Then there were two gourps of chaches that came in. One group, one guy was acting all macho in how he ordered his food, he sounded like a professional wrestler. Then there was this really big group where they never stopped talking, didnt know they ordered this one dish they actually ordered, one guy was trying to talk ebonics to impress his black friend, and the other guy when he was the last to get his food acted like he just won the fucking super bowl.
1) Why are there soo many chaches in the world?
2) What are some of the years hilights?
3) Whats to come this comming year?
my answers
1) Because they let any one who wants to to reproduce, even the ass holes
2) Besides sighning up to get an SG account LMAO getting a new apartment, getting my leg tattooed, getting almost straight A's in school this year, having a few girls actually lusting after me hehe
3) My new tattoo, I'm hopefully going in to get a consult on wednsday, then who knows.
1) Why are there soo many chaches in the world?
2) What are some of the years hilights?
3) Whats to come this comming year?
my answers
1) Because they let any one who wants to to reproduce, even the ass holes
2) Besides sighning up to get an SG account LMAO getting a new apartment, getting my leg tattooed, getting almost straight A's in school this year, having a few girls actually lusting after me hehe
3) My new tattoo, I'm hopefully going in to get a consult on wednsday, then who knows.
2. My kid taking his first step, stealing a shitload of weed then selling it back to the kid, making new friends, stripping.
3. titties, more beer, more dick, more laughter, and more crying.
Happy Monday!
1) life is a practical joke
2) missing the Pixeis reunion because it sold out seconds BEFORE it was announced
3) good angry tunes