It's about time for me to update. Well the new years show went pretty good. Not as many people showed up as I would have liked (a lot of people cancled because they had other new years parties to attend), but I thought that we performed great but made a few mistakes which we were able to play through (I was worried that we woulden't). Our crowd gave us a good reception and positive feedback. We plan on another show in the comming months and hope for a bigger crowd and to get in even more rehersals and come up with new material. Plus friday I'm going to Hawaii to visit my father.
1) How was your new years?
2) What is a new years resolution?
3) What do you expect out of the comming year?
my answers
1) see above.
2) To be more assertive.
3) Hopefully more shows, and to get started with school so I can graduate
1) How was your new years?
2) What is a new years resolution?
3) What do you expect out of the comming year?
my answers
1) see above.
2) To be more assertive.
3) Hopefully more shows, and to get started with school so I can graduate
Whats this about a band? I'm there, bro. Just let me know when and where. And I can be your MC: I've done if for a number of bands and ALWAYS get a crowd goin'.

BTW, your avatar used to give me nightmares when i was a kid. I probably shouldn't have been exposed to some of the art i was exposed to as a child.