I'm baaaaaaaack! Hawaii was fun and restful. I got the usuail "Whyt dont you have a girl friend" questions from my dad, yeah like I really want to be mothered at this age, try growing up as the only guy in your house. Any ways I got to go to the Big Island for a few days, walked around tourista ville and got hasseled by ass holes dealing drugs, and I got to see the Black Sand Beach and the Volcano National Park, drank a bit. I went back to Oahu got to see Waikiki and got to see a really cool aquarium, and I got dragged to a really shitty concert where I would have drank my self silly if it hadent been for expensive beer prices at the venue. I sweare, surfer kids are fucking stupid and have no ediquate when it comes to moshing, and they were moshing to pop punk, fuck I looked wawy out of place. At least I didnt have to pay for this show. I watched some bootleg black metal DVDs after the show. When I got home, me Steve/Sixty and Dan recorded more of the demo. Steve got some good guitar tracks down and I got some vocal tracks down. I also wrote a few new songs over my vacation. I need to get back to work on my novel.
1) Name the shittiest band youve ever seen
2) Form a club which you would be leader
3) Would you rather be married and whipped but have companionship or single and have unlimited freedoms for the rest of your life?
my answers
1) All American Rejects, like I said earlier, at least I didnt pay for my ticket hehe
, Milwaukee Metal Fest 2004 sucked because well it's been in decline the past few years and it seemed to hit rock bottom with a really shitty venue and a rather weak line up. There was no Metal Fest 2005
2) Misanthrops International!
3) single, I love being free and unattached and I'm just too self involved and know my self well enough that I'd be m,iserable if I got involved with some one who wasnt right for me.
1) Name the shittiest band youve ever seen
2) Form a club which you would be leader
3) Would you rather be married and whipped but have companionship or single and have unlimited freedoms for the rest of your life?
my answers
1) All American Rejects, like I said earlier, at least I didnt pay for my ticket hehe

2) Misanthrops International!

3) single, I love being free and unattached and I'm just too self involved and know my self well enough that I'd be m,iserable if I got involved with some one who wasnt right for me.
You're writing a novel? What kind? My presentation went smashing! Oh, and im honored to be one of your fav's.

Hmmm, sounds interesting, how much have you written? What are your characters like?