Ah Victory!
The spounge girl will not be comming over any more! HAHAHAHAHA! Not even the roommate who is friends with her is impressed with her as of late. Plus my rudness towards her really scared her off. It just goes to show, don't fuck with me unless you wana be fucked back. Sorry Womankind, I'm just sick of being fucked over and shat upon, so only serious applicants can apply. So yeah my faith in women, going down, no offense. Any ways, me and Steve/Sixty did some recording last night with Dan, first we did two really rough suts, then Steve put down some guitar and vocal tracks. I'll get some of my own vocal tracks down soon. I want to get this demo out by Spring. I got most of my final grades, so far all A minuses, my GPA is over a 3.0 now yay! Ha! Take that George W Bush!
Then I got a werid phone call today, it was a police detective who was investigation some guy who used a stole credit card to buy cartons of cigeretes. When I answeredthe phone and the guy said that he was a cop, I immediately thought that "Yep, somethings going down at work". I watched Kingdom of Heaven and well some parts were accurate, but it was over all social commentary on US Policy in the iddle East and basically saying that if we we pull out, it'll be ok, lots of our guys are getting killed and it would be no shame to leave, among other things, like religous and cultural tolerance, Muslims arnt bad guys, the Christian Fundies are haha. Any ways its new years tomorrow, I got off till monday, I get to catch up to some reading and writing on my novel and I'm going to Hawaii for over a week, I need the rest. Oh yeah apparently my step sister invited me to All American Rejects, I'll probably drink some beer and make fun of emo kids and just rip the band apart hehe
and your questions
1) Recommend an obscure movie to me
2) Name the last 5 books you read
3) Hollywood is directing a movie about your life. Who would play your part, and convince me to go and see it
my answers
1) well?
2) The Devils Apochrypha, An American Dream, Roomitarian, The Solipist, The Civil War: Strange and Fascinating Facts
3) Hmmm I'd probably want Johnney Deppe to play me because he can play interesting charactors and add sex appeal hehe, and hmmmm, there would be lots of explosions and titties and moments that wopuld make you say "What the fuck am I watching!"

and your questions
1) Recommend an obscure movie to me
2) Name the last 5 books you read
3) Hollywood is directing a movie about your life. Who would play your part, and convince me to go and see it
my answers
1) well?
2) The Devils Apochrypha, An American Dream, Roomitarian, The Solipist, The Civil War: Strange and Fascinating Facts
3) Hmmm I'd probably want Johnney Deppe to play me because he can play interesting charactors and add sex appeal hehe, and hmmmm, there would be lots of explosions and titties and moments that wopuld make you say "What the fuck am I watching!"


not all of womankind sucks..just most of it

Hope new year was good for you