Well I dont mind being bald, but I really miss my dread locks
. I'll probably keep my head shaved for the time being and grow my hair out later, because I don't really like getting my hair cut. Any ways I think it's over between me and that Lizz girl. She's talking to her ex again, my roommate is getting too close to her and she never answered my phone calls yesterday, after calling her like 5 times during the day, made me feel really creepy. Oh well, fuck relationships, no girl friend no girl friend problem. I took my GRE to get into grad school a few days ago I dont think I did soo good, hopefully it wount matter.
1) whats the worst thing some one you had romantic intrests in did to you?
2) Name 5 requirements some one must have in order for you to date them.
3) Ask me a question, I'm too lazy to ask a third.
1) Well, she invited me over to her place after leading me on and being rather subtle in flirting with me, introduced some guy at her place to me as her "friend" which later turned out to be her ex bf who kicked me out of the place.
2) first off, she must be born with the pussy she's got, secondly she must be open minded, thirdly she must be a talker, fourthly she must have her own circle of friends so I can take a weekend off from humanity and she wont get bored and lonley with me not around and fithly she must not take her literacy for granted and a sixth requirement would have to be must appreciate me and my madness
3) well, ask away

1) whats the worst thing some one you had romantic intrests in did to you?
2) Name 5 requirements some one must have in order for you to date them.
3) Ask me a question, I'm too lazy to ask a third.
1) Well, she invited me over to her place after leading me on and being rather subtle in flirting with me, introduced some guy at her place to me as her "friend" which later turned out to be her ex bf who kicked me out of the place.
2) first off, she must be born with the pussy she's got, secondly she must be open minded, thirdly she must be a talker, fourthly she must have her own circle of friends so I can take a weekend off from humanity and she wont get bored and lonley with me not around and fithly she must not take her literacy for granted and a sixth requirement would have to be must appreciate me and my madness
3) well, ask away
and our water is fucking cold always. dang it, roxanne. i've got to call her about that shit.