I supose I should update. Well not a lot going on, just going to school and work, getting very stressed out ect. . . At least theres some chick out there who seems to like me, I dont know if thats good or not LOL. It's pissing off my roommate, but the chick seems cool, KMFCM insert rant here my friend hehe. I am bored out of my skull at the moment, probably should be doing homework inspite spending time on it already. Plus I'm still searching for a new job. A few good shows comming up soon, I'll be seeing Henry Rollins next sunday, GWAR some time after, then Children of Bodem with Amon Amarth and maybe Slipknot just for the hell of it, even though I dont really care for them any more. Other wise I got nothin, no good metal shows comming to Milwaukee, maybe Metal Fest in December, but thats been in decline for years.
1) which would you rather have, anarchy and uncertanty or have Big Brother watching over you and youre safe as long as you obey?
2) destroy a city
3) create an obscure political party with a fucked up platform
my answers
1) Anarachy of course!
Rules are for losers and boring people
2) hmmmmm, I'll go for either the Vatican City or Milwaukee, or Celebration, FL hehehe
3) hmmmm, the Kiss my Ass Party, very self explanatory.
1) which would you rather have, anarchy and uncertanty or have Big Brother watching over you and youre safe as long as you obey?
2) destroy a city
3) create an obscure political party with a fucked up platform
my answers
1) Anarachy of course!

2) hmmmmm, I'll go for either the Vatican City or Milwaukee, or Celebration, FL hehehe
3) hmmmm, the Kiss my Ass Party, very self explanatory.
hope whatever plans you have work out...you will be missed here...
2) Jerusalem, its the Vatican and Mecca rolled into 1
3) The Ph34r! p4r+y, we will make L33t the national language... actually thats too horrible to imagine