Soooooooo I am going on a road Trip in June with my co-worker/ Best Friend EVARRRRRR. I'm either renting this stupid Dodge Charger from this rental company and driving it to Pensacola, or using her SUV. We havent decided. Its during her birthday so obviously I'm stopping in New Orleans and getting her piss drunk and then continuing on our trip to see my BEST FRIEND EVAAAAAAR IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD! (not to be confused with the first best friend EVAR) He just got done with training in Virginia and has now been moved to Pensacola Florida, and has to wait forever until he can start back up with flight training. He's an officer in training with the Marines. And Sadly he left me a year ago to go save the world. And The last time I saw him he lied to me and said he was not coming out for Thanksgiving and showed up at my work and swept me off my feet and made me cry! He's a good guy, and I give him good advice, and we go on stupid little movie dates, last one was Prince Caspian. We made fun of it. But that's my life so far lately.
Will do man!
love your taste in music and your soooo cute!!!