on saturday a friend dragged me to the new star trek movie. it was alot better than i thought it would be. i'm not a big trekkie or anything but it was pretty good. probably my favorite out of the star trek movies that i've seen. so if you're into star trek or sci-fi it's worth seeing.
missed a call from work last night which sucks, because they were offering more overtime which i badly need...
trying to improve oneself is difficult. i'm slowly trying to change this depressing life of mine. working hard on various projects, and taking chances trying to get into others...
still playing bloodrayne. must beat it before i have to return it. so, if you'll excuse me i have some more nazis to kill.
missed a call from work last night which sucks, because they were offering more overtime which i badly need...
trying to improve oneself is difficult. i'm slowly trying to change this depressing life of mine. working hard on various projects, and taking chances trying to get into others...
still playing bloodrayne. must beat it before i have to return it. so, if you'll excuse me i have some more nazis to kill.
But then it feels like naptime. I'm so sleepy always *yawn* what is weird- I don't get nearly enough sleep. I can't. I'm just sleepy all the time.
I need to take more chances as well.
My head is always getting in the way. Damn head!