magic 8 balls can make all the important life decisions for you...
thank u baby

i havent put anything new on here for along time. im thinking i'll update this a bit soon.

yay for the pictures 

happy birthday!!!

its been awhile since ive updated this...
ive been keeping busy with work and other distractions...
trying to resurrect some old hobbies to keep things mostly, and some other artsy things...
actually my brother has started to show some interest in electronic music lately, so im trying
to set up this music editing/mixing program that i used to use so we can make some...
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ive been keeping busy with work and other distractions...
trying to resurrect some old hobbies to keep things mostly, and some other artsy things...
actually my brother has started to show some interest in electronic music lately, so im trying
to set up this music editing/mixing program that i used to use so we can make some...
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hi! i think you should eat my brain 

um, i forgot what i was about to say...

so did everyone else, apparently.
i'm moving into a new apartment in a couple of weeks.
i saved up money to buy some furniture like a couch or a bed.
instead i just spent the money on a new computer.
i guess i'm going to be sleeping on the floor.
sometimes i think my priorities might be backwards
i saved up money to buy some furniture like a couch or a bed.
instead i just spent the money on a new computer.
i guess i'm going to be sleeping on the floor.
sometimes i think my priorities might be backwards

i've been promising myself for awhile that i would update this
i'm moving in a month since the building i'm in is raising the rent way higher than this place is worth. so i've been looking all over for an apartment, i did find one that i really like and applied for it but i haven't heard back from them yet. it would be great,...
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i'm moving in a month since the building i'm in is raising the rent way higher than this place is worth. so i've been looking all over for an apartment, i did find one that i really like and applied for it but i haven't heard back from them yet. it would be great,...
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i saw bodyworlds.
so weird.
it's like... human jerky.
and the place where i saw it had fake plants throughout the exhibit.
real bodies, fake plants.
i *heart* the irony.
i just did moonkin for fun before the expansion.
then healbot all the way.
missyhealiot if you will.
so weird.
it's like... human jerky.
and the place where i saw it had fake plants throughout the exhibit.
real bodies, fake plants.
i *heart* the irony.
i just did moonkin for fun before the expansion.
then healbot all the way.
missyhealiot if you will.
i want to move too.
and i am on bloodscalp.
[yay expansion!!]
and i am on bloodscalp.
[yay expansion!!]
i just noticed my last entry was in december!
i was thinking about leaving the site since i dont really use it anymore, but then i was thinking that maybe i should give it another try since i did get to meet and talk to alot of cool people on here...
i dont know we'll see...maybe i'll stay for awhile longer.
tomorrow after work when...
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i was thinking about leaving the site since i dont really use it anymore, but then i was thinking that maybe i should give it another try since i did get to meet and talk to alot of cool people on here...
i dont know we'll see...maybe i'll stay for awhile longer.
tomorrow after work when...
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I noticed your absence and figured I'd see your name in grey soon. I'm not around this site much anymore either. I can't say why, it just doesn't seem to have anything to offer anymore.