yesterday was fun. linz and i went and got more work done on my Ryden piece... for some reason my skin doesnt hold red or white all that great but it looks amazing right now...
and today in a couple hours im meeting up with la tracey and shes going to style me up right good and proper. got another shoot at the scarab club with george. he wants to do more pictures of my face this time. he really likes the angles of my face. cool. he just wrote me an email asking me to bring a couple of blouses and necklaces but didnt really go into any detail, so now im wringing my hands and pulling my hair out trying to figure out what he is going to want. i can just wear a ton of necklaces and he can pick out the ones he likes, but i dont want to show up to the shoot with 5 shirts; none of which is what he has in mind. i dont know if i even OWN any 'blouses'. i have no idea what he has in mind.
other than that, same old routine; thigh highs and heels. so we are doing an hour shoot; some time spent clothed, some time spent nude, i am imagining. i am hoping to get a good shot out of this for the PETA campaign, which i would like to participate in.
i always like working with george. he really is such a sweetheart. even if he DOES make me move furniture around. its all good. hes got emphysema or something really bad and hes older than god and he actually PAYS me for my time and gives me cds of the prints, so i have no problem moving a few mirrors and chairs around.
i dont want to go to school tomorrow, but thats tomorrow. today should be a good day, so im just going to concentrate on that for right now. let tomorrow stay where it is for now and i am sure it will take care of itself when it rolls around.
i think im going to try to shoot george an email and ask what specifically he meant by 'blouses.' i keep shooting glances at my closet and wondering what the hell i have that i can bring. inconspicuously. because my mother is dropping me off at traceys and i told her we are just hanging out watching movies.
and why would i need several outfits to hang out and watch movies?
clearly i dont tell my mother that i model occasionally on the side. she knows about SG, but shes pretty much in the dark about it. i told her its a modern sort of pin-up site. she asked me if i was comfortable with it, if i would be comfortable with my family seeing the photos, blah blah... and i said yes with absolutely no hesitation whatsoever.
some of my FAMILY might not be comfortable looking at the photos, but i dont give a shit. what the hell is the big fat screaming brouhaha anyway? EVERYBODYS NAKED UNDER THEIR COTTON UNDERPANTS, PEOPLE. relax.

and today in a couple hours im meeting up with la tracey and shes going to style me up right good and proper. got another shoot at the scarab club with george. he wants to do more pictures of my face this time. he really likes the angles of my face. cool. he just wrote me an email asking me to bring a couple of blouses and necklaces but didnt really go into any detail, so now im wringing my hands and pulling my hair out trying to figure out what he is going to want. i can just wear a ton of necklaces and he can pick out the ones he likes, but i dont want to show up to the shoot with 5 shirts; none of which is what he has in mind. i dont know if i even OWN any 'blouses'. i have no idea what he has in mind.

other than that, same old routine; thigh highs and heels. so we are doing an hour shoot; some time spent clothed, some time spent nude, i am imagining. i am hoping to get a good shot out of this for the PETA campaign, which i would like to participate in.
i always like working with george. he really is such a sweetheart. even if he DOES make me move furniture around. its all good. hes got emphysema or something really bad and hes older than god and he actually PAYS me for my time and gives me cds of the prints, so i have no problem moving a few mirrors and chairs around.

i dont want to go to school tomorrow, but thats tomorrow. today should be a good day, so im just going to concentrate on that for right now. let tomorrow stay where it is for now and i am sure it will take care of itself when it rolls around.
i think im going to try to shoot george an email and ask what specifically he meant by 'blouses.' i keep shooting glances at my closet and wondering what the hell i have that i can bring. inconspicuously. because my mother is dropping me off at traceys and i told her we are just hanging out watching movies.
and why would i need several outfits to hang out and watch movies?

clearly i dont tell my mother that i model occasionally on the side. she knows about SG, but shes pretty much in the dark about it. i told her its a modern sort of pin-up site. she asked me if i was comfortable with it, if i would be comfortable with my family seeing the photos, blah blah... and i said yes with absolutely no hesitation whatsoever.
some of my FAMILY might not be comfortable looking at the photos, but i dont give a shit. what the hell is the big fat screaming brouhaha anyway? EVERYBODYS NAKED UNDER THEIR COTTON UNDERPANTS, PEOPLE. relax.

I *heart* Ryden. I especially like the Saint Barbie one

i just saw your Lilo wig in the sg groups, it looks awesome!!