i just got home and i still feel excited! i got to meet SO MANY GORGEOUS GIRLS and it was a fucking BLAST. first time i drank in... three years... a rather large shot of tequila and something exquisite that Vivid was drinking.. cant tell you what it was called, but it had vodka in it and was a creamsicley concoction. i had such a fucking awesome time... i was so happy that Elsie was there, and Bully... hell i was just fucking delighted to be in the midst of such amazing company.
definitely fun and i cant wait to see the photos.. i think theres going to be one of makeout... woo hoo!!!
and the day after, i took a cab to alissas (im SO not familiar with columbus or ohio at all, really, and the cab driver was an asshole and fucking cornholed me $50
but it was entirely worth it.
Sunshine and Karma and Bully were there and i offered up my outfits for group consideration... and we picked out an.. well, for the purposes of this blog we will call it an 'outfit', and then we went to the location to shoot. all of us. it was so much fucking fun. i dont want to give away too much, but i had a blast and it was the SHIT hanging out and just making a day (and a night) of this shoot. which i am super excited about.
fun fun times. thank you so much to the lovely ladies who helped pull the shoot together and showed me where to pee and all... you all ROCK.
i just got home and i still feel excited! i got to meet SO MANY GORGEOUS GIRLS and it was a fucking BLAST. first time i drank in... three years... a rather large shot of tequila and something exquisite that Vivid was drinking.. cant tell you what it was called, but it had vodka in it and was a creamsicley concoction. i had such a fucking awesome time... i was so happy that Elsie was there, and Bully... hell i was just fucking delighted to be in the midst of such amazing company.
definitely fun and i cant wait to see the photos.. i think theres going to be one of makeout... woo hoo!!!
and the day after, i took a cab to alissas (im SO not familiar with columbus or ohio at all, really, and the cab driver was an asshole and fucking cornholed me $50

Sunshine and Karma and Bully were there and i offered up my outfits for group consideration... and we picked out an.. well, for the purposes of this blog we will call it an 'outfit', and then we went to the location to shoot. all of us. it was so much fucking fun. i dont want to give away too much, but i had a blast and it was the SHIT hanging out and just making a day (and a night) of this shoot. which i am super excited about.
fun fun times. thank you so much to the lovely ladies who helped pull the shoot together and showed me where to pee and all... you all ROCK.

Yes!!! It was so much fun!!!!

Come to the east coooast! XD