pip pip cheerio and all that rot! i was having the devil of a time logging in here for a few days, but the SG angels came through in the end..
now theres a concept, eh? the SG Angels. like Charlies Angels, except wed report to missy and do our missions in secret and we would break all the laws even at the cost of our lives. mostly it would involve lots of spraypaint and crowbars, i think.
fuck, i think this is a fabulous idea. wed need weapons. guns. lots of guns. big guns. and martial arts skills wouldnt go amiss, either.
maybe we COULD take over the world. im not saying the way it is now, but maybe anarchy and chaos could change things enough to make a bit of a difference. im telling you, weve been around too fucking long. the species, i mean. people. humans. and we are fucking and multiplying so fast we are sort of almost running out of habitable space. so we bring in our technology and make the impossible living conditions possible and the ozone layer, now, what about that? hmm? i read somewhere that there is a black hole in our galaxy. very small. i mean, even a very small black hole is just a little too powerful to use as any kind of weapon, but the thought comes to mind... if we could harness it... what do you see when you go through a black hole? another dimension? is it time travel? black holes are condensed stars, you know. when a star dies, it blows up and then gets smaller and smaller and then its SO small and SO dense, we consider it a black hole. it sucks up everything. it sucks up light.
that struck me when i first read it.
it sucks up LIGHT?
yep. and what about other universes, friends and neighbors? what about that happy shit? after all, its perhaps improper to call this a 'universe'. i think 'macroverse' would suffice, but i probably pilfered that from some other greater thinker than myself.
all thoughts are stolen. and if all thoughts are stolen and all words repetition, there is no such thing as perjury.
time travel. gravity. E=mc2. energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.
i think every couple of generations, a real whiz-bang son of a bitch comes around and totally blows us all off the map. newton did it. da vinci. einstein, maybe. hawking. just some brilliant motherfucker who figures it all out for us idiots just enough to get our brains back in gear and get us thinking again.
i always wished i could have been one of those people. i got a flashlight. these people have STARS GONE SUPERNOVA. which, i might add, the sun will do eventually. we wont be around by then, im sure of that. people are too good at killing each other and lets face it; we enjoy what we do and we do it well. im confident that once our asses are gone for good, its going to start over. with the bees. ill explain it to you sometime, but right now i have to take a bath and go get my tattoo finished.
bon voyage
now theres a concept, eh? the SG Angels. like Charlies Angels, except wed report to missy and do our missions in secret and we would break all the laws even at the cost of our lives. mostly it would involve lots of spraypaint and crowbars, i think.
fuck, i think this is a fabulous idea. wed need weapons. guns. lots of guns. big guns. and martial arts skills wouldnt go amiss, either.
maybe we COULD take over the world. im not saying the way it is now, but maybe anarchy and chaos could change things enough to make a bit of a difference. im telling you, weve been around too fucking long. the species, i mean. people. humans. and we are fucking and multiplying so fast we are sort of almost running out of habitable space. so we bring in our technology and make the impossible living conditions possible and the ozone layer, now, what about that? hmm? i read somewhere that there is a black hole in our galaxy. very small. i mean, even a very small black hole is just a little too powerful to use as any kind of weapon, but the thought comes to mind... if we could harness it... what do you see when you go through a black hole? another dimension? is it time travel? black holes are condensed stars, you know. when a star dies, it blows up and then gets smaller and smaller and then its SO small and SO dense, we consider it a black hole. it sucks up everything. it sucks up light.
that struck me when i first read it.
it sucks up LIGHT?
yep. and what about other universes, friends and neighbors? what about that happy shit? after all, its perhaps improper to call this a 'universe'. i think 'macroverse' would suffice, but i probably pilfered that from some other greater thinker than myself.
all thoughts are stolen. and if all thoughts are stolen and all words repetition, there is no such thing as perjury.
time travel. gravity. E=mc2. energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.
i think every couple of generations, a real whiz-bang son of a bitch comes around and totally blows us all off the map. newton did it. da vinci. einstein, maybe. hawking. just some brilliant motherfucker who figures it all out for us idiots just enough to get our brains back in gear and get us thinking again.
i always wished i could have been one of those people. i got a flashlight. these people have STARS GONE SUPERNOVA. which, i might add, the sun will do eventually. we wont be around by then, im sure of that. people are too good at killing each other and lets face it; we enjoy what we do and we do it well. im confident that once our asses are gone for good, its going to start over. with the bees. ill explain it to you sometime, but right now i have to take a bath and go get my tattoo finished.
bon voyage
is it ok for ninjas to wear bling? i mean, i want to look good and all when we pull this off