WELL this sucks. ive just been not politely informed that i am SPAMMING.
fuck all this.
i dont know what the hell i was thinking in the first place.
i guess i thought it would be a battalion of new, experienced, and awesome women.
i guess i was terribly wrong.
no hate for the annmarie.
just disgust.
fuck all this.
i dont know what the hell i was thinking in the first place.
i guess i thought it would be a battalion of new, experienced, and awesome women.
i guess i was terribly wrong.
no hate for the annmarie.
just disgust.
My advice... don't worry so much and just get to know some cool ass people.
I know you and I know you are a creative and articulate person. You made some mistakes in a new community, it happens. I know you have blogged for a long time know but I don't know how involved you have been with online communities. You have to grow that tough e-skin. Especially with putting yourself out there for everyone to see. You will have people who love it and those who hate it. Just listen to the girls advice. I don't think I am telling you anything you don't know. The thing you have to remember is with the internet people tend to be a bit harsher than they would face to face. Take it from someone who has posted in MMO communities to somethingawful's forums. I tend to stay natural and helpful. Post only when I have something I really think will add to the thread and I lurk a bit, get a feel for the forums and rules. Spamming is a fine line. Some boards are made for it. Some encourage random silly posts. While others are very stringent. You now have an idea of how those forums work. You were excited, a new community. That is always exciting. I am glad to see you kept your blog going and decided not to give up on this. Of course not everyone will fall in love with your pictures. Everyone has different tastes. You will find your audience. Those will be the people that friend you and comment and support you. Just keep an open mind and listen to the advice of the girls that have experience, The people that leave negative comments. The people who aren't there to give you advice, that just want to bring you down. Ignore them. Honestly it will drive them crazy when you don't post a remake back. They are waiting for that remark so they can just come after you again.
Also, we should hang out. I am still trying to get people together for movie nights. However everyone is getting pregnant on me... Anyways, I have added a bunch of new flicks to the collection. Some great cult classics. We can get some popcorn and laugh at really cheesy movies.