i have to go to school in... oh... 45 minutes or so. give or take. and i have no car.
this is a bit of a large booger in my day.
HOWEVER, things MIGHT be looking up! yes! optimism! from me!! the girl whose glass is not only constantly in a state of half-emptiness, but is also usually shattered and poisoned and filled with arsenic to boot!
a friend of mine is selling me her car! and shes a sassy redhead (the car, not the friend) and a 95 sunfire and all my girl is asking is $700!
and since i found this amazing new concept called ''Putting Money Away For Emergencies'', i actually HAVE $700!! so my rainy day money will be down to about fifty bucks, but ill have me a hot little car with wheels and an engine and a trans and everything!
i have to tell you something. dont think less of me, but...
this is odd.
good things dont happen to me.
and all of a sudden, it seems, Lady Luck just twitched the curtain aside and gave me a glimpse of what my life might be like if i make the right decisions and really start putting effort and motivation into doing and being who i want to be.
maybe you make your own luck, maybe some people are born lucky, but maybe... once in a while... a girl can grab the brass ring.
i hope hope hope i can be a real live suicidegirl soon. i cant wait to meet with allison and have coffee and pop and conversations and see where we go. i hope she likes me. she meets a LOT of girls and im just another one of thousands when you get right down to it. i hope she sees something in me worth working with and worth her time because shes fucking amazing.
i love the amazing ones. the people who just blow me away.
i remember walking around at night in the middle of LA, and seeing a billboard advertising the suicidegirls and i asked nick Hey, who are the suicidegirls?
of course he knew. everybody knows. i had the misfortune of growing up in a box. so when we left LA and came back here, i was loaded with all the information i could find. the first tour dvd, the book with mary on the cover... i watched the dvd about 50 times and im still reading the book over and over and showing it to all the girls at school because DAMN i fell in LOVE. the suicidegirls became my muse. the pinups. the comic book characters. theyre like your favorite characters out of some fictional book but theyre real and alive and kicking.
im feeling pretty good right now.
fuck yeah.
thank you for reading. i wish i could offer you some complimentary peanuts, but im all out.
damn elephants.
this is a bit of a large booger in my day.
HOWEVER, things MIGHT be looking up! yes! optimism! from me!! the girl whose glass is not only constantly in a state of half-emptiness, but is also usually shattered and poisoned and filled with arsenic to boot!
a friend of mine is selling me her car! and shes a sassy redhead (the car, not the friend) and a 95 sunfire and all my girl is asking is $700!
and since i found this amazing new concept called ''Putting Money Away For Emergencies'', i actually HAVE $700!! so my rainy day money will be down to about fifty bucks, but ill have me a hot little car with wheels and an engine and a trans and everything!
i have to tell you something. dont think less of me, but...
this is odd.
good things dont happen to me.
and all of a sudden, it seems, Lady Luck just twitched the curtain aside and gave me a glimpse of what my life might be like if i make the right decisions and really start putting effort and motivation into doing and being who i want to be.
maybe you make your own luck, maybe some people are born lucky, but maybe... once in a while... a girl can grab the brass ring.
i hope hope hope i can be a real live suicidegirl soon. i cant wait to meet with allison and have coffee and pop and conversations and see where we go. i hope she likes me. she meets a LOT of girls and im just another one of thousands when you get right down to it. i hope she sees something in me worth working with and worth her time because shes fucking amazing.
i love the amazing ones. the people who just blow me away.
i remember walking around at night in the middle of LA, and seeing a billboard advertising the suicidegirls and i asked nick Hey, who are the suicidegirls?
of course he knew. everybody knows. i had the misfortune of growing up in a box. so when we left LA and came back here, i was loaded with all the information i could find. the first tour dvd, the book with mary on the cover... i watched the dvd about 50 times and im still reading the book over and over and showing it to all the girls at school because DAMN i fell in LOVE. the suicidegirls became my muse. the pinups. the comic book characters. theyre like your favorite characters out of some fictional book but theyre real and alive and kicking.
im feeling pretty good right now.
fuck yeah.
thank you for reading. i wish i could offer you some complimentary peanuts, but im all out.
damn elephants.
Enjoy the car. Avoid the elephants.