I went out last night with the intention of not drinking, of course that didn't stick and I got drunk within 3 pints. After leaving the pub a few of the lads convinced me to goto Odins ; A shit hole. We then all departed home, I remember stopping every so often just to get my bearing but I was too out of it and the next thing I know I've got some asshole shouting at me over something, my brother and some other guy were standing watching. The asshole starts asking me "Why shouldn't I hit you, give me one good fucking reason!", everytime I opened my mouth he repeated himself so I gave up talking and squared him up, telling him to do what he wants ; he backs down and walks away.
I get home and start punching everything, the back door and fridge freezer are now both nicely dented. All I could think about was killing this guy, I know where he lives so it wouldn't be difficult but my mum talks me down and I go into a mini-mental breakdown going to and from shouting to weeping. After I calmed down I realised I'd lost my mobile phone so I retrace my steps to try to find it but I couldn't see it anywhere.
I could blame this on the medication, the alcohol or bad timing but it doesn't seem to matter that much today. I've got options : stop the medication, stop drinking, get a watch. But I don't think those measures are going to cut it, I need a job, a place of my own and something to strive for.
Oh and my brother told me this morning that the guy had apparently kneed and punched me, the guy must hit like a little girl because the only mark on me is a layer of skin that's been peeled off my cheek when I had fallen over. But if I see him again and he gives even me the wrong look he's dead
In slightly lighter news : Top Gear isn't on!
I'm expecting some supplements soon
I might be able to get a new phone from the house insurance 
Hope you've all had a more productive weekend
EDIT - Okay, today I'm back to normal. I've phoned the jobcentre and I'm going to get signed on, I'm not expecting them to be much help though. I couldn't go to the assesment for the fire-fighter job because I didn't have the doctors concent saying that I'm fit to take part so that's out of the window.
I get home and start punching everything, the back door and fridge freezer are now both nicely dented. All I could think about was killing this guy, I know where he lives so it wouldn't be difficult but my mum talks me down and I go into a mini-mental breakdown going to and from shouting to weeping. After I calmed down I realised I'd lost my mobile phone so I retrace my steps to try to find it but I couldn't see it anywhere.
I could blame this on the medication, the alcohol or bad timing but it doesn't seem to matter that much today. I've got options : stop the medication, stop drinking, get a watch. But I don't think those measures are going to cut it, I need a job, a place of my own and something to strive for.
Oh and my brother told me this morning that the guy had apparently kneed and punched me, the guy must hit like a little girl because the only mark on me is a layer of skin that's been peeled off my cheek when I had fallen over. But if I see him again and he gives even me the wrong look he's dead

In slightly lighter news : Top Gear isn't on!

Hope you've all had a more productive weekend

EDIT - Okay, today I'm back to normal. I've phoned the jobcentre and I'm going to get signed on, I'm not expecting them to be much help though. I couldn't go to the assesment for the fire-fighter job because I didn't have the doctors concent saying that I'm fit to take part so that's out of the window.
i really don't like that guy i was talking about in my journal. i then realised why i hadn't been in touch with him in so long; he creeps me out. it got me thinking to ages ago, a few months after i had dumped him, he kept phoning me from a private number and wouldn't fucking leave me alone. i really need to do something about this once and for all.