been uber bitchy lately, more just easily annoyed by people.
i want to move more than anything. this small town and its small views of the world around us are annoying and often hurtful to peoples artistic endeavors. there is no support system. everyone says they want something to happen, but is "too busy"... yet there is nothing fun EVERY... Read More
I hate it i'm one of those people that wants to do something but i'm to fucking busy working my shitty job, god help me it's draining the life out of me!!! can't wait to see the new set just submitted my first (again...disappeared the first time)
enjoy it. because it wont be there forever.
ill be taking the set down once its been a few months.
BUT there should be another in the massive amounts of things I am trying to complete.
planning yet another set.
SO I know MIssy is Pro-PETA, along with several of the girls. I love animals.
but I was curious is fur reallly murder? if its... Read More
hello darlings.
i have received so many lovely messages.
and so many great comments.
thank you.
things are well here other than crazy heat the last few days.
and my heart has been so fucking heavy.
2 years ago yesterday my best friend died.
we knew we all partied too much but we never told each other to stop.
some people may judge but if... Read More
So I really haven't been able to be on because I started school this week, so here is some love to all those that have stopped by the set and also to those that have given me some feedback on what I can improve on.
I am REALLY stoked that it even got so many comments and it was at 90% last time I checked.... Read More
so last night its rains, like actually rains more than 1/16th of an inch.
and the back room is like a glorified porch that was added on the to house.
huge work space, so obviously our music/art room...
its the only place that leaked, but still its the only place i NEVER wanted to be leaked on EVER.
ive got a lot going on right now.
things are better that way.
i really need to finish some music up.
get my life ready for school.
and have more boobies in my life.
i REALLY want to head up to Oklahoma City around the end of August. to water park.
and i REALLY want to head up to Albuquerque in October for some... Read More