It's valentines day season...want a valentine? Send me your address. You know...go to "Contact" and send a little note my way with your addy.*
*I do not gaurante that everyone will recieve valentines. I am just going to do this on a first come, first serve, basically however many I have time for and/or can afford type thing.
*I do not gaurante that everyone will recieve valentines. I am just going to do this on a first come, first serve, basically however many I have time for and/or can afford type thing.
...And I think Your "INTO" List is Just GRAND! I say You can ALWAYS tell How Interesting Folks Are, By Thier Interests (D-Uh...That's Fuckin Philosophy!!)Gah! You Know what I mean...It actually makes sense if you think about it. However, This is NOT about thinking, Nor Philosophy, It's ALL about The Hardcore Horror!! Now, I Believe In Being As Truthful and Down To Earth as Possible...So I am Just going To ask...I don't see ONE Horror Flick in Your Favorite's BUT...It IS in Your Interests...SO...I am Just going To Tell you...This IS Not The 'Popular' Horror Group...No, No..This is For those of us who cannot go a day without it...For people who are IN The Horror Biz (Like Myself) But Hold On...I also never deny anyone either...Just because Perhaps You WANT to know More about Gore Flicks, and Not The Crap Hollywood Kind, But The Good Ones, Including Everything From DRACULA to DAWN OF THE DEAD (Both Having MANY versions) I would Advise You To Read The FIRST Post Topic...The One That says "WELCOME! BUT STOP AND READ!"
It Just may explain a bit better what you are in for should you decide to stick around...
As I said...I Think It WAS Your LONG List That got me...You are A Very Curious Individual...I Like That...(Don't We ALL?)
So Yeah...Read The Post, and If Your Name is still On My List Of Members, OR, I see A Post in The New Members Salon from you...I admit, It shall be very Interesting...
(Theres That Word Again...)
it's really cool to have a really diverse group of womyn
just because then the learning is more expanded and
experiences are more expanded. so I'm really glad that
you've joined, and look forward to learn from you, and teaching you, and just getting to know one another