Kestrel blurred me. But was very nice about it. It was a relief to meet someone who didnt need me to walk slower so that they could keep up.
On another note, I am a little concerned about how tired and anxious Ive felt lately. Sleep does not come easily, and previously simple things are becoming more and more confusing.
I feel like my mind is slowly being poisoned; becoming weak and sickly at the hands of an unseen chemical influence
On another note, I am a little concerned about how tired and anxious Ive felt lately. Sleep does not come easily, and previously simple things are becoming more and more confusing.
I feel like my mind is slowly being poisoned; becoming weak and sickly at the hands of an unseen chemical influence

Feel better, and I promise to do the same. I'll post your testimonial when I get back from vacation, if I don't get bored while I'm there and hang around SG.