ok so a little over 2 years ago I had long hair, long beutiful hair, then I got dreads from a friend of mine( first miswtake I should've went to a person who knew what they were doing) anyway its was all good, but then my g/f at the time would complain they smell, my parents dont like them, blah, blah, blah, and she started sleeping on the far side of the bed. so I shaved my head and keep it that way for a long time, well I'm growing my hair back out cause I really want my long hair back, but I think my hair might be thinning in the front, which is hard to beleive cause I'm only 23, anyways for the fear of thinning hair I'm thinking of shaving my head again, but I really want my long hair back too, if you look in my pics, you'll see me with lon hair, tell me what you think,
long or none
anyway give me strength and patience to let my hair grow back, maybe I'll just keep wearing a hat till its at a better length
long or none
anyway give me strength and patience to let my hair grow back, maybe I'll just keep wearing a hat till its at a better length

whee, and word to the adult swim on your favorites list.. coming soon to "ondemand" at a cable system in yourrrrrrr area...