Best part of roadtrippin to Mexico was the timing. Everything here at home was at an all time shit storm level and the weather was shitty enough. Alabama was the first state it felt really great in. All sunshine and no clouds. Sun felt just right. Long straightaways and endless plains. All I need (and had) was my hoodie. Pillow, blanket and jacket.

Coming out...
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your photography oozes awesome stevezilla.

mexico. love
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA good vibrations. totally stealing my roommates computer. dont' know why i never did this before...
1,115.5 miles in three days and sleep still eludes me.

Hell City was a good time. After the journey to get there, the ride in
was fuckin epic. Brooding storm, lightning bolts and ac/dc. Nuff said.
It was a crazy time to say the least.

I'll write more about it later. American psycho awaits me.
Every time I get on this fuckin site I always tell myself that I'll write a blog. I've been meaning to for the last couple of months. Life gets in the way if that makes any sense.

I've been too four shows in the last two weeks Korn, Paramour, Badfish (ultimate sublime cover band and last and certainly not least Massive Attack. Not in that...
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At the beginning of the week I said to myself this week is going to be one for the books, looks like it's true haha.

Ahh and it's not over yet. Preparing for a lil fear and loathing in NYC with some good peoples. The weather has really done a 180 in such a short span of time I'm taking it for what it's worth...
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They're not the company's most popular so they tend to put them in weird places. LOL like train newsstands. Thanks again for coming up!
I should be asleep right now but I'm not. I don't sleep too much nowadays not even on my days off. It's starting to get to me., I loved sleep and now it eludes me. What did I ever do to sleep? You bastard.

Ahh Been about four months since I've posted anything on this. Can't believe it. Lot has happened and it hasn't. Most...
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I know noone reads this shit as it is and yes the first time I post something new it's only this but I'll be back soon enough,

Life takes it toll and draws me away from the land of SG. It happens, to everyone. Felt weird coming back after soo much time away. It hasn't all been good but not all bad either. Learn to...
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After the Winter? Spring?
THanks for the compliment.
Note to self (and others)

Don't watch an interview with Trent Renzor and then go to sleep. You end up having the craziest "Almost Famous" type of dream. It was fun though. Lame I know haha
the hella fast transporter that will get your ass here. wink
Weekend was good, weekend was to short, weekend was just right.

This current bout of verbal vomit is brought to you by:

Went to bed at 5 only to wake up at 7:30,upon waking up with having half of my head pounding from the booze put down just a few hours before. I looked out my window and was amazed to see groups of kids...
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i love that version of spinning plates.

because its awesome AND because it reminds me of late night cross country drives biggrin

as much as i hate winter, im craving it too.
i don't know why at all....

nice photo, btw. love those smoking industrial wastelands. smile
Friday.....being able to get up at 1 in the afternoon after a night of drinking and rock band is awesome, I know I shouldn't be getting used to this but fuck it. I'm indulging in sloth and not having any responsibility (except for attending physical therapy).

I've been so grateful that the weather is the way it is right now. Stuck between summer and fall,...
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